President’s Newsletter — April 2021

Three Rivers President

Dear Colleagues,

I hope you are noticing and enjoying the beauty of spring’s colorful display and the sun’s warmth. At the same time, we are coming to the final turn of the spring semester.

Preparations are in progress for the Graduation ceremony that will be taped on May 7, the Nursing Pinning ceremony on May 14, and the Lavender graduation on May 20.

We are also making preparations as a community to celebrate the life of Mark Vesligaj, beloved faculty member, who passed this March, with a celebration of his life. Mark Comeau is chairing a committee to plan this celebration and details will be forthcoming.

Thank you to those who were able to join us at the “town hall” meeting that was held on April 30. If you were not able to attend, we have posted information about reopening on the website. All questions and safety/health concerns about returning to campus should be directed to Shaylah Carbone, HR Generalist. Details on hours, policy, and recommendations were emailed out with notice of the meeting and will also be available on

As a community, I want to thank each of you for the outstanding efforts that I have witnessed by faculty and staff  to reach out to students to respond to their needs. I am looking forward to a return to normalcy with the College being open to the public on August 2 and classes on ground on August 25th.

Enjoy the remaining days of the spring semester.


With warm wishes,

Mary Ellen

Commencement News

COVID-19 continues to change how we celebrate our graduates. This year we will once again have a broadcasted video, but this time, rather than photos of the graduates, it will include video of students receiving their diploma. Graduates who chose to participate, will come to campus on May 7 in scheduled blocks to walk across the stage in cap and gown and be personally congratulated by President Mary Ellen Jukoski. This recording will be edited in with speeches and other Commencement staples. The video will be broadcast on Saturday, May 29 at 2:00 pm. You can view it and get more details at

There will also be a Diploma Pickup Event on May 26 and 27 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. Graduates can drive by to pick up their diplomas at the clock tower. Caps and gowns are not required, but there will be a photo station available if you’d like to take pictures in your cap and gown. Guests are allowed and encouraged, so graduates can take pictures with friends and family.

We also have a 2021 Graduate Profiles page again. You’ll be able to see profiles of our graduates who participated and sign their guest book to wish them the best by clicking here.


Three Rivers Professor Vesligaj receives Fulbright Award

Scholarship in Mark Vesligaj’s Name

Donations are still being accepted for a scholarship in Mark Vesligaj’s memory. Visit to donate.  



    • Three Rivers College Foundation Awards $250K in Spring scholarships with more than 300 students received awards for tuition and fees, technology and book support!
    • The Scholarship and Award Virtual Video Celebration will showcase on May 25 – look for the link in the coming weeks. 
    • Mark your calendars! There’s still time to join us for our Golf tournament on Monday, May 24 at Great Neck Golf Club. Please consider joining us as a golfer, sponsor, or volunteer. To register, fill out the form found here.

Changes to the Newsletter!

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey on the newsletter! In response to your feedback, we are not going to change much, except make it a little briefer.

If you have news you’d like to share with the College, email Alexa at Keep in mind the news pieces should be short and to the point — more of a “shout out” than an article.

picture of Vandana BasuCongratulations Dr. Vandana Basu

Congratulations to Assistant Professor of Math and Science Dr. Vandana Basu on receiving a Board of Regents Teaching Award. The awards are given to faculty who best exemplify high quality teaching.

Fall and Summer Registration Happening Now

Things are very busy in Student Services. Summer and Fall Registration are in full swing. They held a successful Virtual Advising Days that served 203 students in the two-day event. Admissions staff has been holding a number of successful virtual recruitment sessions that focus on different topics, like transferring, international students, parents and more. They are also planning Application Days at many local high schools, including NFA, Ledyard, Griswold, East Lyme, and Stonington.

Star Wars BanquetStudent Programs Update

Student Programs is hustling and bustling with activity.

Currently we are looking forward to honoring and celebrating our student leaders at our annual student leader banquet. This year’s theme is Star Wars which was selected by the student government president Lorenzo Enderle. The banquet will be held May 21 at 6:00 pm via zoom.

Congratulations on Receiving Tenure and Promotions!

Congratulations to our colleagues who will be receiving tenure and promotions as of July 1, 2021.


  • Olan Angulo
  • Skye Cohen
  • Andrew Cullan
  • Arnie DeLaRosa
  • Meghan LaCasse
  • Andrew Marvin
  • Nicola Ricker
  • Soumyashree Sahoo
  • Sara Sonstroem


  • Andrew Cullan
  • Kelly Molkenthin

Save the Date:

5/7 – Recording of Graduates

5/14 –  Nursing Pinning

5/17 – Last Day of Classes

5/20 – Lavender Graduation

5/14 – College Congress

5/24 – Foundation Golf Tournament

5/24 – Summer Session Mod 1 Begins

5/29 –  Commencement Broadcast

5/31 – Memorial Day, College Closed

In The Gallery

Marc Bryan, "When You Go Away," Acrylic, Painting II Spring 2020, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

Marc Bryan, “When You Go Away,” Acrylic, Painting II Spring 2020, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

Student Art Show 2019-2021 Virtual Exhibition

The “Student Art Show 2019-2021” featuring the work of students of the Visual Fine Arts program is live on The Gallery webpage. It will run from April 30-August 27, 2021. The exhibit includes the following categories which are linked to the webpages showing the student work: