STUDENT ART SHOW 2019-2021 – Drawing
Three Rivers Community College is proud to present the “Student Art Show 2019-2021” featuring the work of students of the Visual Fine Arts program. The degree provides a strong foundation in the visual arts and a broad background in general education. As a transfer-oriented course of study, it often leads to enrollment in an art school or other baccalaureate institution.
The exhibit includes the following categories which are linked to the webpages showing the student work:
- Beginning Drawing
- Advanced Drawing
- Beginning Painting
- Advanced Painting
- Ceramics
- Sculpture
- Design/Collage/Digital Art
The juror of the 2019-2021 Student Art Show is Susan Scott Kenney, of Dayville, Connecticut. Susan is a Board member of Norwich Arts Center and has held the position as the President of Norwich Arts Center’s Galleries for six years. She has a B.S. degree in Art Education from Southern Connecticut State University, and a Master of Art Education degree from Hartford Art School. Susan was an art teacher in the Dudley-Charlton School system. She loved teaching and retired after 36 years. Susan works in a variety of media but is primarily an acrylic painter. Her subject matter has evolved and changed over the years, but her love of color remains a constant. Susan is a member of Connecticut Women Artists and exhibits in a variety of venues.
Beginning Drawing

Gregory Wetzel, “Self Portrait,” Charcoal, Drawing I Fall 2020, Instructor Jacob Cullers

Hope Tracy, “A Pleasant Mess,” Charcoal, Drawing I Spring Semester 2021, Instructor Jacob Cullers

Jacob Yost, “Behind Rocky Neck,” Charcoal, Drawing I Spring 2021, Instructor Ian Pawluk

Kitty Vahlberg, “A Long Night,” Graphite, Drawing I Fall 2019, Instructor Jacob Cullers

Michelle Mauro, “My First Love,” Graphite, Drawing I Spring 2021, Instructor Sean Langlais

Lisette Pascual Adames, Still Life Assignment, Charcoal, Drawing I Summer 2020, Instructor Sean Langlais

Kara Salovitz, “Bluffs On Block Island,” Charcoal, Drawing I Spring 2020, Instructor Jacob Cullers

Bellana Parungao, “Upstairs,” Charcoal, Drawing I Fall 2019, Instructor Sean Langlais
Sister Alexandria Smith, “Landscape: Niagara Falls,” Charcoal, Drawing I Fall 2020, Instructor Jacob Cullers
Nylia Carter, “Autumn Still Life,” Graphite, Drawing I Fall 2020, Instructor Sean Langlais

Robert Lattanzio, “Triangulation,” Pastel, Drawing II Spring 2021, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

MacKenzie Gaulin, Untitled Still Life, Pastel, Drawing II Spring 2021, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

Lisette Pascual Adames, “In-Out,” Pastel, Drawing II Fall 2020, Instructor Michael Perry

Marc Toussaint, Landscape Assignment, Pastel, Drawing II Spring 2020, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

Marc Toussaint, “Noisyyy,” Pastel, Drawing III Spring 2021, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

Maryam El Khalfi, “Seen Strides,” Mixed Media, Drawing III Spring 2021, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

Marc Bryan, “Self Portrait,” Pastels, Drawing II Spring 2021, Instructor Sandra Jeknavorian

Kara Salovitz, “Guords In A Row,” Pastels, Drawing II Fall 2020, Instructor Michael Peery

Thena Cranfill, Abstract Still Life, Pastels, Drawing II Fall 2020, Instructor Michael Peery