Human Services, A.S.

Please note that as of July 1, 2023, all program information should be accessed through the CT State Community College Catalog. Specific program information on this page may no longer be accurate beyond this date.

This program will prepare you for entry-level positions in human services, as well as for transfer to a four-year college or university for a baccalaureate degree in social work (BSW) or some other related field of study. The curriculum is designed to help you acquire knowledge, skills and competency in the methods of casework, group work, case management and community organization, with a focus on individuals, families, small groups, organizations and communities.

Easy Transfer Options

Central Connecticut State University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Sacred Heart University
Southern Connecticut State University
University of Bridgeport
University of Connecticut
University of New Haven
University of Saint Joseph
Western Connecticut State University

Related Degrees & Certificates

Courses & Outcomes

See below for a list of all full-time Department Faculty. Please note that not all listed faculty may teach courses related to this specific degree or certificate program.

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Joyce Martin