Three Rivers Offers Virtual Information Sessions for Prospective Students
The Three Rivers Community College campus may be closed temporarily due to COVIOD-19, but staff is still virtually available to answer questions from prospective students. In addition to email and phone calls, Three Rivers staff members are now hosting group video chats and one-on-one meetings, keeping everyone safely distanced in their own homes while providing crucial information about enrolling, classes, financial aid, as well as how to take advantage of Connecticut’s new debt-free college plan.
Credit degree and certificate admissions staff are available to chat about everything from specific programs, what it’s like to be a Three Rivers student, and applying to the College, to the nursing program, enrolling for classes, PACT – Connecticut’s debt-free college plan, and more. To arrange a meeting with an advisor, visit, or email
The non-credit Workforce and Community Education staff is ready to answer questions about job training programs, the registration process, financial support, and more. They will help you achieve your career goals. To arrange a meeting with a staff member, visit or email
Both credit and non-credit staff offer one-hour group WebEx meetings that students can join and leave at any time during the hour. Staff is also available via email as well as for individual video meetings or phone meetings from 9 am – 4 pm, Monday through Friday.
Registration is now open for both credit and non-credit summer classes – which will only be offered online – as well as for Fall 2020 credit courses, and applications for both semesters are currently being accepted.