In the News | Three Rivers earns a Military Friendly School designation
NORWICH (Norwich Bulletin 2/22/2017) — Three Rivers Community College announced Friday that it was named a 2017 Military Friendly School by Victory Media, a veteran-owned business that connects the military community to civilian employment, educational and entrepreneurial opportunities.
The list of Military Friendly Schools is provided annually to service members, veterans and their families, and helps them in choosing a college with programs geared toward helping veterans pursue civilian careers.

Three Rivers Community College students and veterans Jason Beauregard, 32, of Danielson, left, Aliana Williams-Gaines, 20, of Norwich and Emily Rix, 20, of Voluntown at the Veterans Oasis Center Tuesday at the college. Rix and Wiliams-Gaines also work at the school. See videos at John Shishmanian/ NorwichBulletincom
To earn the Military Friendly School designation, Three Rivers said it met thresholds for student retention, graduation, job placement, loan repayment, degree advancement or transfer and loan default rates for all students and, specifically, for student veterans.
“As a veteran myself, I am proud of the military community that we serve, and pleased that Three Rivers’ commitment to this population in making the campus a welcoming and necessary resource has resulted in our being recognized as a Military Friendly School,” acting Dean of Student Services Steve Finton said.
Finton said approximately 10 percent of Three Rivers students are in the armed services.
Jason Beauregard is a 10-year army veteran who said he chose Three Rivers because it’s close to home.
“There’s a lot of veterans who commute here. They have a lot of outreach programs to help veterans find jobs or study programs,” the criminal justice law enforcement major said.
The school’s Oasis is an area where veterans can go for academic assistance, support and socializing, he said.
“Just a friendly environment where we can get away and be with each other,” he said.
The list of Military Friendly Schools is created using public data sources for more than 8,800 schools nationwide, input from student veterans and responses to the Military Friendly Schools survey from participating institutions.
Three Rivers has a Veterans Organization Student Group and an OASIS Center, which serves as the focal point for veterans’ activities where student veterans can access services such as academic advising, Veterans Administration educational benefits and counseling. It also serves as a place for veterans to take a break during the school day, study and socialize.
The college will be showcased along with other 2017 Military Friendly Schools in the annual Guide to Military Friendly Schools, special education issues of G.I. Jobs and Military Spouse Magazine, and on
By Ryan Blessing
The original Norwich Bulletin article can be found here: Three Rivers earns a Military Friendly School designation