Guided Pathways Advising Team – Jessica Lynch
Jessica Lynch
Guided Pathways Advisor
Most people call me Jess. I transferred to TRCC from QVCC into the same role as a Guided Pathways Advisor. Previously, I worked in Residence Life and Advising at Mitchell College in New London for about four years. I am a product of the state school system and graduate ECSU in 2017 and then completed my master’s at SNHU in Higher Education Administration. I am originally from the area and spent most of my life in Montville and live in Colchester. I have a small zoo at home consisting of my rescue dog Jax and two cats, Chloe and Lasagna. In my free time I like to hike and try new local restaurants.
M.S. Southern new Hampshire University
B.S. Eastern Connecticut State University
Guided Pathways Advised Programs
Contact Information
Phone: (860) 215-9220