We’ve got your back
It takes more than just good grades to make a college student successful: feeling confident, comfortable, and in control makes all the difference. You can find helpful answers and experienced guidance at Three Rivers: the diversity of our student body over the years means we are familiar with any circumstances you might encounter.
We recognize that even when you are in college, life goes on and you need to keep up. Whether you are focused on matters inside or outside of the classroom, we can point you in the direction that will keep you moving forward.
Counseling Services — Turn to us when you need guidance.
Guided Pathway Advising – Let us assist with career and academic exploration and decision-making
Veterans Services — An OASIS center and other support is here for you.
Fitness Center — Healthy body, healthy mind.
Disability Services — Help for students with documented disabilities.
Tutoring and Academic Success Center — Stay current with your studies.
Job/Career Guidance — Turn your strengths into opportunity.