Coronavirus – COVID-19
Covid-19 Updates from 2020
Find current Covid-19 information and updates here.
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
From President Jukoski, October 13, 2020
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students,
As you know, the College follows CDC and the CT Department of Public Health guidelines to mitigate the risk of exposure to COVID-19. After consultation with the local health department, we have determined it is safe to continue our courses and services at this time even while we inform you that individuals at the College have tested positive for the virus. We cannot share names of individuals due to privacy requirements, but the cases will be handled by the local health department who will lead the contact tracing.
If the local department of public health determines you personally have had an exposure risk, they will contact you directly in the coming week. Local public health officials will contact you only if you may have been exposed directly to the positive case.
Exposure is defined by the CDC and CT Department of Public Health as being within six feet of a COVID positive person for more than 15 minutes. If you vigilantly wear your mask and keep a social distance of six feet, whether inside buildings or outdoors, in accordance with the CDC and CT Public Health guidelines, you will have greatly mitigated exposure to COVID.
We will continue to work diligently to safeguard the campus. If you experience COVID-related symptoms, stay home and seek medical attention.
All questions should be directed to the Dean of Administrative Services, Steve Goetchius, who is the college’s COVID Coordinator at
For additional COVID-19 information and resources, please visit our website at
Mary Ellen Jukoski
Steve Goetchius
Dean of Administrative Services and TRCC COVID Coordinator
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
Dear Colleagues, I want to welcome you all back to Three Rivers later this month for the start of the 2020-2021 Academic Year. We continue to live and work in these uncertain times of the coronavirus pandemic having hope that we will be back together again soon. Until that time, I would like to provide you with an update on TRCC’s plans to reopen our campus. We have been approved to open TRCC on a limited basis throughout the summer and into the fall. Our plans are designed to comply with State of Connecticut requirements, and include many of the recommendations found in the TRCC Summer Planning report which was submitted to the System Office at the end of June. Everything is subject to change depending on public health conditions and directives from state and federal agencies. At this time, all employees and students must observe current health and safety protocols. All faculty, staff, students and vendors have been informed (through email, social media, website, new building signage) that face masks are required in all campus buildings and at outside locations where social distancing is not feasible. Bandanas, scarves, or stretched shirts are not considered safe alternatives. Masks must cover the nose and mouth and have tension that reasonably seals both the top and bottom of the mask (See attached CSCU COVID-19 Mask & Social Distancing Guidelines). To support this requirement, TRCC has procured personal protective equipment (PPE) to support the mask safety protocol during the fall semester. Beginning on August 24 upon entering the TRCC building at the main entrance, for the FA2020 semester, all students, faculty, and staff will be given 5 face masks, and are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the cleanliness of their issued reusable masks. Of course, faculty, staff, and students are welcome to purchase and use their own face masks provided all are CDC compliant. In the event that any faculty, staff, student or vendor forgets to bring in or for any reason cannot bring in a mask or if they have a face mask malfunction while on campus, we have procured a supply (to be maintained and distributed at our security desk) of masks that will be given to anyone who needs one. Everyone is required to wear a facemask and observe social distancing guidelines while on campus. Face masks with exhale vents are not acceptable. All faculty need to be ready to teach using a variety of learning modalities for the fall semester. Courses have been identified in the catalog and on the website with a specific icon to inform students of the modality that the course will be taught, e.g., TRAD, HYBRID, ONLINE, LRON, or OLCR Until March, we were an on-ground college with online options for students. This fall, we will instead pivot to an online college with on-ground options for students. The Fall 2020 class schedule was updated to employ a wider variety of instructional modalities to reduce the total number of students on campus. New options include synchronous online courses (LRON) and more hybrid sections to place fewer students on campus at any given time. These changes were recommended and supported by the faculty, under the leadership of Deans Robert Farinelli and Kem Barfield and the Academic & Student Affairs team. I want to highlight a major change for all of us. As you may know, the college will not be open to the general public and we will continue to restrict all arrivals and departures through the one main entrance by the Security Office. All faculty, staff, students and vendors must enter and exit the building at the Main Entrance, near the Security Office. Beginning on Monday, August 24, ID badges will be required for anyone entering and exiting the building; new ID scanning equipment will be located there. If you do not have a badge, please plan accordingly to come in to obtain one. Beginning on Mon., Aug. 17th – No appointment is necessary. Days/hours for badge processing for faculty and staff are Mon-Wed, 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 in conference room C243 only. Anyone without a badge, including vendors will be required to obtain a temporary badge for the day from the Security Office before you will be allowed to enter the building. Additionally, I will share highlights from the TRCC Phase 3 reopen plans at our next virtual All-College meeting on Tuesday, August 25th from 10:00-12:00 p.m. and again at 6:00-8:00 p.m. We hope you can join us. Zoom details will be sent to employees early next week. In the meantime, if you have specific Phase 3 questions before the meeting, please email Judy Hardy at before 5:00 p.m., Friday, August 21st so that we can develop a list of questions to respond to during the all-college meetings. This fall, we anticipate that employees will continue to have work schedules that combine on-campus and telework. Since the building will also be open on Fridays beginning with the fall semester for classes, supervisors will need to develop a schedule for office staff to rotate working on-ground on Fridays while meeting the contractual workweek for all employees. Campus occupancy levels will be less than half of what they were “pre-COVID-19.” On-campus offices will be staffed daily but again, with reduced staff on any given day. We will continue to have reduced in-person office and service hours across the campus. College meetings, events, and gatherings will continue to be conducted online using approved applications. Please refer to the TRCC website for information about hours of operation for TRCC services and other important information at We do, however, want to make you aware of the following:
We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, August 25th at our All-College meeting at 10:00 a.m. or 6:00 p.m. Sincerely, Mary Ellen Jukoski, President Kem Barfield, Interim Dean of Academic and Student Affairs |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
The Updates to the Higher Education ReOpen report can be found on our website along with these weekly updates and additional information from the planning process. |
Latest Update: Three Rivers Reopening Staff Offices on Monday, July 6
From President Jukoski, June 18, 2020
On Monday, July 6, all administrative and student service offices at Three Rivers Community College will be reopening at 50% occupancy with rotating staff schedules and with the creation of staff “teams” to limit the number of people working together at any one time. This capacity may be increased or decreased as public health guidance warrants. Your supervisor will be working with you to determine your schedule with the days and times you will be expected to be in the office. This includes the President’s Office; Institutional Advancement; Marketing and Public Relations; Academic Offices and the Library; Administrative Services, including Facilities, Finance, Payroll and Benefits, Purchasing, and Security; Information Technology; Nursing Administration; and the entire Student Services division.
The main entrance will serve as the only access to and from the building. Face masks are required to be worn to enter the building and while working; exceptions will be determined by your supervisor. All Staff, upon arrival, will be required to log in at the Security Desk (process to be determined). A hand sanitizer station will be available at this entrance. If at any time you become ill or feel sick, you will be directed to leave and follow the CDC/State guidelines.
Please note that plexiglass shields will be installed at the security desk, welcome center, admissions, financial aid, and library circulation desk; other areas will be evaluated as needed. All work areas and surrounding common areas will be thoroughly disinfected per CDC guidelines.
Students who are seeking services will be permitted in the building starting on July 20; additional procedures are being developed and will be in place prior to July 20. The college will remain closed to the general public and there will be no outside groups using the campus during the summer and fall.
Additional procedures and policies are being developed and will be shared with you as soon as they are final. If you have questions, please contact your Dean or Director, so they can be addressed during our planning.
Mary Ellen Jukoski, President
Three Rivers Community College
Latest Updates: CSCU Campuses Plan to Reopen this Fall
Dear CSCU Community:
Like all other institutions of higher education across the country, we are navigating uncertain times and preparing for an upcoming academic year like no other. Over the past several weeks, campus teams and CSCU steering committees have done great work together to identify opportunities and challenges, and provide recommendations for academic affairs, enrollment management, student life, student support services, logistics, technology, operations, and facilities. We still have a lot of planning to do and more questions need to be addressed in the coming weeks and months.
That said, I am excited to announce that we are planning to return to our campuses in fall 2020 with significant measures in place to make our institutions as safe as possible.
Based on significant guidance from public health experts and in accordance with Governor Lamont’s ReOpen CT Advisory Committee plan, we have determined that the CSCU colleges and universities will reopen their physical campuses to residential and commuter students for fall 2020 with the following protocols in place:
- The four universities can start bringing residential and commuter students to their campuses on Monday, August 24. Classes will follow the common calendar through Thanksgiving, with the balance of the semester and exams online. Arrangements for residential students to move in are still to be determined.
- The 12 community colleges are permitted to offer on ground courses beginning June 1 for those spring semester students who need to complete programs and for new students to enroll in workforce development programs. This summer reopening is allowed under phase 1b of ReOpen CT for Higher Education. Like the universities, community colleges may bring students back for the fall semester on August 24 and courses will follow the common calendar.
- Charter Oak State College will continue to offer its catalog of online classes through summer and fall.
- Plans for the reopening of the campuses for faculty and staff will be developed this summer. Plans for reopening the CSCU system office and Charter Oak State College are being established as well.
- Classes at the colleges and universities will be delivered in a variety of on ground, online, remote, hybrid and flexible course design models.
- The community colleges and universities will be prepared to pivot to offer fully remote courses and services if public health conditions warrant.
Before our physical campuses are opened for the next academic year, each campus must write a plan that meets all standards outlined in the ReOpen CT Higher Education phase three framework as well as incorporating recommendations from the CSCU Steering Committees. The ReOpen framework provides guidance on the planning of repopulating campuses with the re-entry of students; monitoring the health of students, faculty and staff; containment of the virus should an outbreak occur; and preparing to shut down physical campuses and transition as seamlessly as possible back to a remote-only model if it becomes necessary.
As I said at the outset, we have many questions to answer and arrangements to make before we reopen. We will share additional details in the coming weeks as we prepare for the fall. These plans will be communicated to the campus communities and I encourage you to monitor your email over the summer. Updates will also be posted soon on the website along with other ReOpen CT and CSCU planning documents for your information.
Our priority has been and will continue to be the safety of our students, faculty and staff. That will not change as we move forward in our thoughtful and deliberative planning process to welcome students back to our campuses in August.
Mark E. Ojakian
President, CSCU
CARES ACT Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting: Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students
Read the report here.
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
May 15, 2020
Announcing Three Rivers VIRTUAL Commencement on Saturday, June 13 at 2:00 PM
Dear Three Rivers Graduate,
During the month of May, the Three Rivers campus is usually bustling with energy as we begin to prepare for the end of the semester and attend to final details for our annual Commencement Exercises held on our College Green. Our Faculty and Staff would have been dusting off their commencement regalia, our lawns would have been perfectly manicured, tents and chairs would be popping up overnight, but mostly the atmosphere would have been crackling with excitement as our graduates picked up their caps and gowns and readied themselves and their families to all arrive here on that one special day … when the skirl of the bagpipes calls us together and the majestic rhythm of Pomp and Circumstance notes the steady march toward a goal achieved.
COVID-19 changed all of that. We all will be forever changed by the unprecedented events that began early in 2020. We are profoundly aware of the changes in our world now. We offer our respect for the loss of so many and send our heartfelt gratitude to those working everywhere to help those in need.
You, our graduates, are living through times like we have never seen before and your strength and determination to persevere through these times to finish your coursework so that you can graduate is inspiring for all of us to witness.
And so, we will celebrate!
Together but separate, we will celebrate your accomplishments via a virtual commencement with all the “pomp and circumstance” that you deserve. On Saturday, June 13 at 2:00 p.m. we invite you and your families and friends to join us virtually as we offer you COMMENCEMENT 2020!
Here’s how …
First, as with Three Rivers commencements in the past, we have created a web page dedicated to Commencement 2020. It will be updated with the latest information and can be seen at
Second, for the first time, we are creating Graduate Profiles on our website. These individual profile pages will feature your photo and information about you, as well as provide a Guest Book for friends and family to write greetings and well-wishes. You can fill out the information form and upload your photo here: The deadline to submit your information and upload your photo is May 29, 2020. We will also use your photo during our virtual commencement when your name is announced.
Next, we will let you know when you will be able to pick up your Commencement package at Three Rivers in one of our designated parking lots. Please keep checking your Three Rivers email for this important information. Your commencement package will consist of:
- your cap, gown, and tassel (Available only for those who request this. Requests can be made at
- Commencement Program listing all graduates
- Letter from President Jukoski
- Three Rivers Alumni Decal
- Commemorative gift from Three Rivers
Finally, Commencement 2020 will go live on Saturday, June 13 at 2:00 p.m. You will be able to watch it live at It will also be live streamed on our Three Rivers Facebook page – We hope that you will join the virtual celebration, wearing your cap and gown, and invite your family and perhaps friends to celebrate with you, while still practicing social distancing. Our ceremony will last about an hour and will include Three Rivers traditions, brief remarks from me, and from Matt Fleury, chair of the Board of Regents for Higher Education, and Mark Ojakian, President of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, and we will read the name and show the photo and profile of each and every Three Rivers graduate. Questions? Please email:
While safely celebrating with your family and friends, we hope that you will take photos to commemorate this milestone in your life. Please take pictures and/or videos to commemorate your celebration and share them with us on social media, using the hashtag #TRCC2020.
Your alumni community extends to you an invitation to begin this life-long relationship with your alma mater. Stay in touch. Let our Advancement Office know where you are and what your latest accomplishments are.
We know you’ve worked hard for this moment in time, and so we would like to make you one last promise. We will invite you to attend and “walk” as the Class of 2020 at our next Commencement in 2021. Be sure to stay in touch with us so that we can find you and contact you for that day!
Congratulations graduates. You did it!
Mary Ellen Jukoski, Ed.D.
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
May 6, 2020
Dear Students,
We are writing to inform you of our plans to distribute CARES Act emergency grants. The U.S. Department of Education recently issued guidance on distribution of these emergency grants to students, requiring that all recipients be Title IV eligible. This means that students must have submitted a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application for the 2019-20 academic year. To satisfy the Department of Education’s guidance, we will only be issuing grants to students who have met the Title IV eligibility requirements by completing a FAFSA and have satisfied all outstanding requirements related to completing a FAFSA. Completing a FAFSA does not mean a student has to be in receipt of financial aid. A completed FAFSA is one that fully determines a student’s eligibility for a Pell Grant, including the federal Expected Family Contribution calculation.
In addition, the following students will not be eligible for the CARES Act emergency grants:
- Students exclusively enrolled in non-credit courses
- CSCU employees attending classes for free (not student workers) and students on dependent waivers
- Second Chance Pell students
- High School Partnership/Dual Enrollment students
- Undocumented, DACA, International students
We plan to begin issuing payments to eligible students next week. If you have not already done so, please sign up for Direct Deposit to expedite distribution of funds at
President Jukoski
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
April 27, 2020
Dear Students,
I write today in frustration.
You may have heard that Congress recently passed the CARES Act, which includes money intended to help colleges and universities navigate these difficult times. A significant portion of that money – at least half – is supposed to be awarded as emergency grants to students. After the legislation was passed Secretary Betsy DeVos of the US Department of Education, stated unequivocally that colleges and universities would have the flexibility to distribute the funding to students as they saw fit. In keeping with the secretary’s statements, and the flexibility in the CARES Act itself, our colleges and universities had planned to distribute funding widely, sending checks to all eligible students.
However, without warning, and in apparent contradiction with the secretary’s promises, the Department of Education released guidance last week severely restricting which students are eligible to receive CARES Act payments. Specifically, the guidance has the effect of limiting assistance to those who have filed a FAFSA. As you know, there are myriad reasons an eligible student and their family would choose not to complete a FAFSA. The complexity of the process prevents many students from completing the form. Likewise, a large number middle class families – many of whom have experienced the loss of one or more incomes – did not file a FAFSA and will now miss out on these payments. In addition, undocumented students, international students, and many noncredit students, are ineligible under the department’s guidance.
In total, it could disqualify up to 30,000 students across our institutions.
This is unconscionable to me, and I have already reached out to Secretary DeVos to encourage her to reverse this decision. We all hope that she will agree to allow payments to more of our students, and I will keep you updated on any response we receive.
In the meantime, our team is going forward with processing payments for students who remain eligible, so if you haven’t already done so, please sign up for direct deposit in MyCommnet.
· Enroll in direct deposit (MyCommnet)
We understand the urgency of the situation, so we are working on processing payments as quickly as possible.
Mark E. Ojakian
President, Connecticut State Colleges and Universities
P.S. If anyone is interested in sharing their thoughts or concerns about this sudden decision to make up to 30,000 students at Connecticut’s public colleges and universities ineligible for much-needed emergency funding with Secretary DeVos, she can be reached at
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
April 24, 2020
Dear Students,
As you may have seen, the recently enacted federal CARES Act includes a distribution of funds to institutions of higher education, including Three Rivers Community College. A significant portion of this funding will be reserved to provide students with grants to help cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to Covid-19.
To avoid delays in receiving the grant: Please consider immediately enrolling in direct deposit by signing into myCommNet ( and clicking on the “Direct Deposit” box in the center column on the homepage of myCommNet. Please also review the accuracy of your address and any direct deposit information already on file.
Please note the following important terms of the CARES Act grant:
- This grant is to be used as direct assistance for your expenses related to the disruption of your studies during the spring 2020 semester, such as: food, housing, materials, technology, health care, and child-care expenses.
- Even if you have an outstanding balance on your college account, your grant will go directly to you, and will not be automatically applied to reduce your financial obligation to the College.
- This funding does not impact your financial aid award.
Eligibility: The U.S. Department of Education has put in place a number of eligibility requirements in order to receive the funding. We are in the process of reviewing the federal requirements and will provide further communication in coming days.
For questions on direct deposit enrollment, please contact the Three Rivers Business Office at
We are working as quickly as possible to process the funding. We currently estimate the money to be disbursed in May, but the timing is subject to change. Students on direct deposit can expect the grant to be deposited sooner than those receiving checks. So enroll today on myCommNet at
I will continue to provide you with information as it becomes available.
Be well. Be safe.
President Jukoski
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
April 22, 2020
Dear Students,
We know that the Covid-19 pandemic has presented you with a new set of challenges as you pursue your education. Three Rivers is committed to doing everything in our power to help you succeed. That’s why I am happy to report that, at Connecticut State Colleges and University President Mark Ojakian’s direction we, along with all other Connecticut community colleges, have adopted a pass/fail (credit/no credit) procedure for the spring semester.
That means you now have the option to convert any of the grades you earn in your spring 2020-semester courses to Pass (Credit) / Fail (No Credit) grading so that the courses do not affect your GPA.
Please go to the Spring 2020 Grade Conversion website for more information and instructions about how to apply for the option.
I hope this option gives you some peace of mind as you approach the end of the spring term.
Mary Ellen Jukoski
Three Rivers Community College
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
April 15, 2020
Dear TRCC Community,
We just received word from President Mark Ojakian regarding the CSCU System Office’s decision about summer classes. Please read below.Here at Three Rivers, we are quickly making plans to comply with these changes. If you have questions, please contact your advisor or the Registrar’s Office at
Be well!
President Jukoski
Dear Students,
I am writing today to provide you with an update on the community colleges’ plan for the summer session. As you know, while there have been some encouraging signs that social distancing has slowed the spread of the virus, the Covid-19 outbreak in Connecticut continues to disrupt our daily lives and threaten the health of individuals and communities. While I know all of us crave a return to normalcy, it is clear that the re-opening of our campuses will need to be a well thought out and deliberative process in line with the state’s recovery framework.
To that end, summer classes will be offered online-only until at least August 1 with the exception of some of the on-ground courses for students almost ready to enter the workforce in immediately critical non-credit and credit programs – such as CNA, Paramedic, Nursing, Medical Assisting, Phlebotomy, Respiratory Care, Radiologic Technologists, Advanced Manufacturing and Electro-Mechanical courses – which could begin as early as July 20.
All other on-ground/skills-based courses should be scheduled for the hands-on components/ lab classes after August 1, including hands-on laboratory courses that were not completed in the spring. The lecture portion of the course can be scheduled online prior to August 1 with the hands-on component scheduled starting August 1. If the pandemic prevents the colleges from being opened by August 1, we are exploring options for the hands-on portion to be offered in condensed sessions at the start of the fall semester. Additionally, the number of students allowed in a laboratory classroom may be limited by social distancing guidelines. This may necessitate offering multiple laboratory sections with a small number of students.
This was a difficult decision, and please know that it was not taken lightly. At CSCU Provost Gates’s direction, we convened a Remote Teaching and Learning Crisis Team to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations, which our campuses will adopt.
Stay safe.
Mark E. Ojakian
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
April 9, 2020
Dear TRCC Community,
We understand that these are difficult and uncertain times for many of our students, but I want to assure you that TRCC remains focused on helping you achieve your educational and career goals. There are a number of important steps that we have taken to be more accommodating and flexible as you enroll for the summer and fall semesters.
Financial Difficulties with Payments – We know that the pandemic is greatly impacting many of our students. If you are concerned with meeting your payment obligations, here are some ways we might be able to help you.
- Payment Plans – If you have issues with existing payment plans, please reach out to the Business office at or (860) 215-9312.
- Outstanding Balances – Students with an outstanding balance on their account who have a hold and wish to register for Summer or Fall courses should contact the Business Office at or (860) 215-9312. Our staff will work with you on creating a repayment and/or financial aid solution to help you resolve your current balance and meet your educational goals. Please note that we have relaxed our hold policy during this public health crisis.
- Emergency Assistance – If you need emergency assistance, please reach out to Associate Dean Jodi Calvert at
- Scholarship Money – Each Spring, the Three Rivers College Foundation awards over $400,000 in student scholarships and awards. The Foundation has extended its scholarship deadline to May 1st. The application process is entirely online at Simply follow the instructions. Scholarship money will be deposited directly into student accounts. We encourage all students to apply.
If you are experiencing hardship during this pandemic, please make note in the space provided in the scholarship application. If you have any questions, please contact Betty Baillargeon at or Meghan LaCasse at
Registering for Fall or Summer Courses – If you have questions or concerns with registering for Summer or Fall, you can find detailed instructions and contact information here.
We want you to succeed at TRCC so we’re here to help you. Remember, your goals are our goals.
Mary Ellen Jukoski, President
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 24, 2020
Dear Students,
We realize that this is a stressful and uncertain time. All of us in the CSCU system are committed to supporting you as we finish out the semester.
We have currently placed a hold on processing withdrawals. This is a temporary measure to make sure you have the time to speak to the right staff on campus to determine the best move for you. Should students receiving federal financial aid withdraw from classes, they may be on the hook to repay the funds awarded to them, and we want to make sure you understand if that will be the case.
You will be able to withdraw from classes effective on the date you wish, but no withdrawals will be processed before April 3.
Stay tuned for more information. In the meantime, please reach out to your faculty for help and support as we make the change to our learning environment.
As always, we will continue to email updates of the latest information to your TRCC email, so be sure to check it on a regular basis.
Information will also be
Please continue to practice vigilance and stay healthy.
Mary Ellen Jukoski
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 20, 2020
Dear Students,
I am following up to messages from earlier this week with additional details on our transition to becoming a fully online institution for the remainder of the semester. Such a rapid move of course presents a number of challenges, but after continuous discussions with our faculty, staff, and students, I am confident that we are in great position to deliver the high-quality education you deserve. Please carefully read the following information, as it is important for the next phase of our educational conversion.
Online Classes
I continue to work with our regional president, campus leaders, academic deans, and faculty to determine how many courses can continue in an online format. The good news is that the vast majority of classes – a higher number than initially expected – will be able to continue remotely.
Classes that cannot be delivered entirely online.
In the event that one or more of your classes cannot be completed online, we will reach out to you directly.
Three Rivers will not refund tuition and fees because we are converting to an online instruction model for the remainder of the term, enabling our students to complete the coursework that they have begun this semester. In the unlikely event that a class is cancelled by the college, we will provide further information about refunds to impacted students.
How to receive critical services such as academic support, advising, and disability services.
Following are contacts and additional information to help you through this transition.
Three Rivers Office Contact Information
- Academic Advising:
- Tutoring and Academic Success Center:
- Admissions:
- Advising and Counseling:
- Cashier:
- Disability Services: see below
- Financial Aid:
- Financial Aid Help:
- Library Services:
- Manufacturing:
- Registrar’s Office/Records:
- Student Programs:
- Workforce and Community Education:
- Additional email contacts can be found in our online Directory.
Resources for Students
If you need help with technology while continuing your studies online, the following resources are available:
The CSCU Connecticut Community Colleges Online Help Desk
This should be your first stop if you need a NetID password reset or if you are having issues with myCommNet and Blackboard. They offerphone and chat support 24/7/365 with contact details at the link below.
If the CSCU Help Desk is unable to assist you, the TRCC IT Service Desk is here to help
Email – Please open a ticket with our IT Service Desk by emailing
[ ] from your CSCU email account. Emails from personal email accounts often get marked as Junk and do not get through. Including as much detail as possible will help us to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
Phone – If you cannot access your student email due to account access issues (unknown NetID, expired or unknown password), please contact us via phone at 860-215-9049. We will be monitoring voicemail continuously during this time and someone will get back to you as soon as possible. Please leave your full name, a contact number, and a brief description of your issue.
Web Chat with IT support – If you have basic IT questions you can chat with an IT support staff member by visiting during normal operational hours.
E-Tutoring Services
“Ask TASC” is our online tutoring service. It utilizes TASC’s own staff, so you’re getting the same high-quality service that you would get by visiting TASC in person — the same tutors, the same subjects, and the same familiarity with course content. Visit Ask TASC by clicking here:
Disability Services
If students with documented disabilities have any questions or concerns related to your academic adjustments, connect with Matt Liscum (learning disabilities) or Elizabeth Willcox (physical disabilities)
Distance Learning (online class resources)
Distance Learning staff can provide more specialized support at Distance Learning staff are available Monday – Friday during business hours.
Library Services
Students can connect with a reference librarian for research assistance, and access library resources including electronic books, full text journal articles and streaming videos by clicking on the following link:
Sexual Misconduct and Intimate Partner Violence Resources
Please click on the following link to access TRCC’s Title IX resource page:
Three Rivers College Foundation Scholarship Information
The Three Rivers College Foundation is currently accepting applications for their scholarships for TRCC college and high school students. Application information can be found at the following link: The deadline for scholarship applications is May 1.
Community Mental Health Resources
Please click on the following link to access a list of community-based agencies that can assist with concerns related to behavioral and mental health:[http://]
As always, if you are experiencing an emergency, please contact 9-1-1.
Food Insecurity
While the TRCC Full Plate Food Pantry is closed through the end of the semester, we want to make sure you are aware of other resources to address food insecurity within the community.
- Most towns are participating in COVID-19 Community-wide Emergency Meal Programs for children 18 years or younger, regardless of whether they are a student or resident. Visit the website and social media pages of your local school district and municipalities for further information.
- Additionally, you can find food bank information at either
Information on free internet offers for those who don’t have access at home.
Comcast, Cox, and Charter are all currently offering some form of free internet service for students.
- Internet Essentials (Comcast)
- Cox Coronavirus (COVID-19) response (Cox)
- Charter (Charter Communications)
As always, we will continue to email updates of the latest information to your TRCC email, so be sure to check it on a regular basis. Information will also be posted on, which will have a link to a new student information and support page later today.
Please continue to practice vigilance and stay healthy.
Mary Ellen Jukoski
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 13, 2020
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,
While there is no additional information about closings and online classes, we have learned some things that you might find useful.
Free WiFi Offer from Internet Essentials from Comcast
Internet Essentials from Comcast, which works to provide affordable home WiFi for eligible households, has announced that:
“As the country deals with the effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), Comcast is taking immediate steps to help connect more low-income families to the Internet at home. Effective Monday, March 16, 2020, anyone who signs up for Internet Essentials will receive two free months of Internet service.”
After the two months, users can cancel or continue with paid service. Learn more at
State of Connecticut Response to Covid-19
In addition to the State’s Coronavirus portal, they will also shared news on its new Twitter account at @COVID19CT and on Facebook at CT COVID-19 Response, where you’ll be able to keep up with the latest information.
Social Distancing – What’s up with that?
Senator Chris Murphy shared an excellent article from The Atlantic on the The Do’s and Don’ts of ‘Social Distancing’. It offers advice on everything from going on dates, getting your haircut to visiting elderly relatives.
As always, we will continue to assess the situation and communicate as often as needed.
Enjoy the weekend and Spring Break.
Mary Ellen
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 12, 2020
Dear Students, Faculty and Staff,
Here are the latest updates.
Three Rivers is closed effective today at 5:00 pm through Sunday, March 22.
Three Rivers will close the campus effective 5:00 pm, Thursday, March 12, and will remain closed through Sunday, March 22. We will continue to assess the situation and communicate as often as needed.
All employees who can are directed to begin teleworking tomorrow. All supervisors will connect with their employees today, including work study students, to determine individual work arrangements.
Here is some additional information:
- For Everyone Planning Out-of-state Travel – Important –Everyone (students, faculty and staff) travelling out of Connecticut, including internationally, must fill out this Out-of-State Travel Information Form. This is being required by CSCU so that we have the background knowledge we need to keep our campus safe and healthy for all.
- How to tell if you have coronavirus – We’re all wondering if our sniffles and sneezes could be the coronavirus. CNN has posted an informative article called Is it allergies, the flu or the coronavirus? How to tell the difference. It provides helpful details to distinguish your symptoms.
- For the latest Connecticut information, visit the official State of Connecticut Coronavirus portal at
These updates will continue to be sent to your TRCC email, so be sure to check it on a regular basis. By tonight, you will also be able to check for additional information.
Please continue to practice vigilance and stay healthy.
Mary Ellen
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 11, 2020, 3:30 p.m.
Dear Three Rivers community,
As you have no doubt heard, the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is spreading globally and has now been designated as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. I want to emphasize that there are no known cases associated with Three Rivers faculty, staff, or students. We are working closely with the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities President Mark Ojakian to keep our University community as safe and healthy as possible and continue to take every precaution to mitigate potential impact on campus. Today, we are announcing the following new precautionary measures:
- Following Spring Break, all classes will be moved to an online-only format until at least Sunday, April 5.
- The campuses will remain open for day-to-day functions, and all non-teaching faculty and staff are expected to continue to report to work as scheduled.
- For students who don’t have access to the internet, Computer Lab – Room E112 Open Lab and the Library will remain open. The hours will be Mondays-Thursdays from 8:30 am to 8:00 pm and Fridays from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm. Additional cleaning protocols are being implemented for your safety.
- Students who engage in off-campus clinics, internships, and similar experiential activities, may continue to attend them if their respective facility remains open. Please check with your supervisor, if necessary.
- All faculty, please take every opportunity this week and next to learn WebEx, MS Teams, Blackboard, and other tools to assist your online teaching, scheduling and hosting of online meetings.
- All campus events scheduled between March 14 and April 5 are canceled (no matter the size), including those sponsored by external clients.
As one might expect, the situation and conditions are changing by the day—sometimes by the hour. Be assured that we continue to work closely with President Ojakian, the Connecticut Department of Public Health, and the Governor’s Office to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment for all members of our campus community.
I thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding as we work through all necessary adjustments. I urge you to continue to follow CDC guidelines for staying healthy.
President Mary Ellen Jukoski
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 11, 2020, 2:00 p.m.
Dear Students and Colleagues,
We will be moving to online classes for the two weeks following Spring Break, from Monday, March 23 through Friday, April 3.
- Students – you will access your class online via Blackboard. We will provide more details as they become available. Please remember that all official communications and updates will be sent to your TRCC email so be sure to check it regularly.
- Faculty – You have already received information from Dean Farinelli via email regarding moving your class online.
Staff will still report to work during this time.
Students who do not have access to computers or WiFi can use computers here at Three Rivers in Computer Lab, Room E112 and the Library.
We will be sending further updates as soon as they are available.
Remember, if you have questions, please call the hotline at (860) 215-9011.
Mary Ellen
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 10, 2020
Dear Students,
On March 4 and March 6, I sent Coronavirus Updates to students, faculty and staff. We just found out these accidentally did not get sent to students. Below is a special edition that will catch you up on the information from those two Updates.
President Jukoski
As the global COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak continues to intensify, I will be issuing updates via email on a regular basis to all Three Rivers students, faculty and staff. These updates will keep you informed on our planning here at Three Rivers and at CSCU (Connecticut State Colleges and Universities) for dealing with the possibility of it spreading to our community. We are taking every precaution to mitigate any potential impact on you and the campus.
Avoid travel to countries designated Level 2 and Level 3 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). At this point, the countries designated Level 2 or Level 3 are China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, and Japan, but continued transmission of the disease means that the CDC’s list is likely to grow in coming days and weeks. We strongly discourage all students, faculty, and staff from traveling to those countries.
If you travel to a country that is Level 2 or 3 today, or a country that is designated as such while you are there, you are required to remain off-campus for a period of 14 days from when you arrive in the United States and are asked to self-quarantine during that period. Please continue to monitor the CDC’s guidance Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel (CDC)
If you must travel abroad, alert Three Rivers of your plans. We are doing everything in our power to prevent the coronavirus from spreading on campus. If you plan on traveling abroad during spring break, we are asking for your cooperation in sharing your information with us. In our next Update, we will provide you a link to a form that you should fill out.
All students, faculty, and staff can help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases by:
- Hand Hygiene –
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using a restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. To learn more about proper handwashing, visit the CDC’s website, When and How to Wash Your Hands (CDC).
- Handwashing is most effective, however If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizers, that are made of at least 60% alcohol to work against the corona virus.
- Respiratory Etiquette – Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw it in the trash can.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth;
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick;
- Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. The CDC provides detailed information on Home Cleaning and Disinfection. The CDC site on Preventing COVID-19 spread in Communities is also extremely helpful.
Anyone exhibiting flu-like symptoms is required to remain at home, and those who become sick during the day must go home.
- We will use the CDC definitions of flu or flu-like symptoms: Flu Symptoms & Complications (CDC)
- In the event a student or employee arrives to work with flu or flu-like symptoms, they will be instructed by management to go home due to the symptoms they exhibited. They will be advised that they should see a health care provider as soon as possible.
- Anyone who has the flu or flu-like symptoms but cannot self-transport home will be directed to wait for their ride in an Isolation Room on campus. This room is C102. Dean of Administrative Services Steve Goetchius at (860) 215-9002 or should be notified of anyone using the room..
- If they are diagnosed with the Coronavirus, we ask they contact (860) 215-9011 as soon as possible.
- Students are not to return to campus until they are symptom-free.
- The academic dean and faculty will work with the student to ensure a learning plan is in place. They are developing plans to access courses via Blackboard online. We will provide additional information when plans are finalized.
More details on this will be made available as soon as we receive them. We are in the process of creating a webpage that will be our information central for coronavirus.
As you know, this is a new experience for all of us, but the health and welfare of our students, faculty and staff are our priority. As I stated earlier, we will keep you informed on a regular basis.
If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call (860) 215-9011. We are working hard to ensure that we all have a safe working environment.
Thank you.
Mary Ellen
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 6, 2020
Dear Students and Colleagues,
As the worldwide COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak continues to grow in intensity, I am reminding you to do everything you can to avoid putting yourself and our campus community at risk. Here are the latest updates.
As mentioned in the Wednesday, March 4 Update, anyone who has the flu or flu-like symptoms but cannot self-transport home will be directed to wait for their ride in an Isolation Room on campus. This room is C102. Dean of Administrative Services Steve Goetchius at (860) 215-9002 or should be notified of anyone using the room.
Avoid travel to countries designated Level 2 and Level 3 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). At this point, the countries designated Level 2 or Level 3 are China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, and Japan, but continued transmission of the disease means that the CDC’s list is likely to grow in coming days and weeks. We strongly discourage all students, faculty, and staff from traveling to those countries.
If you travel to a country that is Level 2 or 3 today, or a country that is designated as such while you are there, you are required to remain off-campus for a period of 14 days from when you arrive in the United States and are asked to self-quarantine during that period. Please continue to monitor the CDC’s guidance Coronavirus Disease 2019 Information for Travel (CDC)
If you must travel abroad, alert Three Rivers of your plans. We are doing everything in our power to prevent the coronavirus from spreading on campus. If you plan on traveling abroad during spring break, we are asking for your cooperation in sharing your information with us. This will help us have the information necessary to protect the campus community. Call (860) 215-9011 with the following information. (Please be sure to spell out your name and email.):
- Your Name
- Whether you are a Student, Faculty, or Staff
- Destinations during your travel (Include all)
- Departure and return date
Wash your hands and avoid people who are sick. All students, faculty, and staff can help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases by regularly washing hands for at least 20 seconds. Handwashing is most effective. If using hand sanitizers, they must be made of at least 60% alcohol to be work against the corona virus. Avoid close contact with people who are sick; avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth; and regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. The CDC provides detailed information on Home Cleaning and Disinfection. The CDC site on Preventing COVID-19 spread in Communities is also extremely helpful.
Above all, please be careful and stay vigilant.
If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call (860) 215-9011.
Thank you.
Mary Ellen
From President Mary Ellen Jukoski
March 4, 2020
Dear Students and Colleagues,
As the global COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak continues to intensify, I will be issuing updates via email on a regular basis to all Three Rivers students, faculty and staff. These updates will keep you informed on our planning here at Three Rivers and at CSCU (Connecticut State Colleges and Universities) for dealing with the possibility of it spreading to our community. We are taking every precaution to mitigate any potential impact on you and the campus.
Suspended Travel to Designated Countries
Last week, CSCU suspended institutionally sponsored travel to countries designated Level 2 or Level 3 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That list of countries now includes China, Iran, South Korea, Italy, and Japan, but that list is likely to grow in coming days and weeks.
Students, faculty, and staff returning from Level 2 or 3 nations, regardless of whether or not they are showing symptoms, will be required not to return to campus for a period of 14 days from when they arrive in the United States. During those 14 days, we are asking those returning to self-quarantine and seek medical attention if symptoms develop.
Preventing the Spread of COVID-19
All students, faculty, and staff can help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases by:
- Hand Hygiene –
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after using a restroom, before eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. To learn more about proper handwashing, visit the CDC’s website, When and How to Wash Your Hands (CDC).
- If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with 60%-95% alcohol.
- Respiratory Etiquette –
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw it in the trash can.
- For additional information, see attached pdf of the poster, Stop the Spread of Germs. Feel free to share this poster with others and to print it out. These posters have been placed in every bathroom in the main building on campus. If anyone needs additional posters for campus, please stop by the Marketing Office in Room C211.
If You Exhibit Flu-like Symptoms
Anyone exhibiting flu-like symptoms is required to remain at home, and those who become sick during the day must go home. Here is the process that will be implemented by Friday of this week (3/6/20).
- We will use the CDC definitions of flu or flu-like symptoms: Flu Symptoms & Complications (CDC)
- In the event a student or employee arrives to work with flu or flu-like symptoms, they will be instructed by management to go home due to the symptoms they exhibited. They will be advised that they should see a health care provider as soon as possible.
- Students
- If a student is unable to self-transport home, staff members should direct them to the campus isolation room and notify Dean of Administrative Services Steve Goetchius at (860) 215-9002 or We will announce the location of the isolation room by the end of day Friday, March 6.
- If they are diagnosed with the Coronavirus, we ask they contact (860) 215-9011 as soon as possible.
- Students are not to return to campus until they are symptom-free.
- The academic dean and faculty will work with the student to ensure a learning plan is in place. They are developing plans to access courses via Blackboard online. We will provide additional information when plans are finalized.
- Employees
- If an employee is diagnosed with the Coronavirus, we ask they inform their manager as soon as possible.
- They will be instructed not to return to work until they are no longer symptomatic.
- Employees are to use their accrued paid time off for this purpose (where applicable) unless they and their supervisor agree to a temporary telecommuting arrangement.
More details on this will be made available as soon as we receive them.
As you know, this is a new experience for all of us, but the health and welfare of our students, faculty and staff are our priority. As I stated earlier, we will keep you informed on a regular basis.
If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call (860) 215-9011. We are working hard to ensure that we all have a safe working environment. Thank you.
Mary Ellen
Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic Disclaimer
Beginning March 2020, Connecticut along with the rest of the United States suffered the effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Day-to-day life as it existed before the pandemic changed drastically, and individuals and institutions adapted to new practices and behaviors. Normative actions now include wearing facial masks, maintaining social distance, and working and learning remotely. Learning about and adherence to Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidance has become a way of life. As we plan for the next academic year, so much is uncertain, including the continuing threat of COVID-19.
The Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) must adapt to meet this reality. Going forward, it is up to all of us – faculty, staff and students – to do our part to ensure our campus community stays as healthy and safe as possible. This is a shared responsibility, and every member of our community must adhere to national, state, and local health guidelines and requirements, and adhere to those measures Three Rivers Community College deems safe and appropriate for the campus. This will include social distancing, wearing masks or other facial coverings, not reporting to class or work if sick, and isolating when required.
Although Three Rivers Community College is readily developing a schedule of courses that include some in-class and on-ground instruction, no one knows what the future may hold. In the case of an outbreak of the coronavirus or other illness, the institutions reserve the right to adapt the format of any class to an entirely online/distance learning modality as public health conditions warrant. Such change will not result in any increase or decrease of tuition and fees. We all understand that tuition and fees are in exchange for learning, academic credit, and certain non-academic services regardless of whether taught on-ground, in a hybrid environment or entirely remotely.
Most important to CSCU and Three Rivers Community College is the health, safety and welfare of every member of its community. Yet, despite campus efforts to comply with health and safety guidelines, it is not possible to guarantee a disease free environment, or to guarantee that campuses will not close and return to an online-only learning environment. These are the realities of working and learning during a pandemic. If you choose to return to campus during the pandemic, you accept that you are willing to do your part to keep the campus safe and acknowledge that you may be required to complete your course work in a remote learning environment.
The Three Rivers Community College community is looking forward to welcoming you back.