Course Descriptions & Schedules

Find out more about the classes that represent your goals and interests. Three Rivers students always have access to guidance from the Counseling Center or their assigned academic advisor to find the classes best suited to their goals.

Course Descriptions

Complete descriptions including number of credits, prerequisites, labs, and more are included for every course offered by Three Rivers.

Course Schedules via Course Search

Three Rivers’ Course Search allows you to find the schedule for every course. You can search by class, by day of week, by subject, by time — there are multiple ways to see what fits in your schedule.

If you find the module confusing, you can follow these step-by-step directions that will help you with class scheduling.

Instructional Methods

On the Course Search page (see above), you’ll see a column labeled Instructional Method. This tells you how a course will be held – in a classroom, online, a combination of both, and other variations. We’ve created this handy page that clearly explains what each method means.