Instructional Methods

New Instructional Methods to help you succeed

Because of the Pandemic, taking classes is more flexible than ever. In addition to the traditional in-person, on-campus classes, we’ve created some new formats that will help you be successful in an online class setting.

When you do a course search, you’ll see one of the columns is labeled Instructional Methods. In addition to TRAD or ONLN, there are some new ones. You can expect to see five different course types: TRAD, HYBR, ONLN, LRON, and OLCR. 

This page will help you understand what these methods mean as you choose your classes and register.

Instructional Methods

If you still find this confusing, please speak to your advisor or email We are here to help you succeed and find the right type of class that best suits your learning style.

Below is a glossary of terms for quick reference.

Definitions of Terms

There is not a specific class time. You can log into the class and do your work at any time.

HYBR – Hybrid
These classes combine meetings held either online or on-campus at a specified time and online classwork completed on your own schedule. These classes are a combination of synchronous and asynchronous.

LRON – Live/Remote and Online Component
These classes are similar to traditional classes except that instead of being in a classroom on-campus, you join your professor and classmates online during the regular scheduled class time via a program similar to Zoom. These classes are fully synchronous.

OLCR – Online and Campus Requirement
These are fully online classes BUT they do require you to come to campus at least once to engage in an activity such as taking a final exam or participating in a lab. These classes can be synchronous or asynchronous.

ONLN – Online
These are fully online classes meaning that you can log into the class and do your work at any time. These classes are asynchronous.

There is a specific class time when you must attend, either on campus or online.

TRAD – Traditional
These are fully on-campus classes. You will come to a specific classroom on campus at a specific time each day the class is held. These classes are synchronous classes.