Fall 2020 Late Start Courses

Still need to add a class? Haven’t had a chance to register yet?

These Late Start Classes begin 9/15 & 10/21.

Here’s a complete listing of available late start classes.

7-Week Courses beginning October 21

33853 COM* K173 3 Public Speaking ONLINE
33548 DNT* K106 1 Introduction to Dental Hygiene II LRON W 6:00 – 9:50 pm
33855 ENG* K101 3 Composition ONLINE
33185 ENG* K102 3 Literature & Composition LRON TR 9:30 am – 12:20 pm
33498 HIS* K202 3 US History II ONLINE
32728 HPE* K155 1 Whole Foods & Nutrition LRON M 3:00 – 4:50 pm
33177 HPE* K267 1 Introduction to Pranayama and Meditation LRON W 3:00 – 4:50 pm
33854 MAT* K137 3 Intermediate Algebra ONLINE
33100 PSY* K111 3 General Psychology LRON MW 9:30 am – 12:20 pm

12-Week Courses Starting September 15 (Currently Underway)

33212 AST* K101 3 Principles of Astronomy LRON M 6:00 – 9:20 pm
33108 BMG* K202 3 Principles of Management LRON R 6:30 – 9:50 pm
33844 COM* K173 3 Public Speaking ONLINE
33099 ENG* K101 3 English Composition LRON TR 12:30 – 2:05 pm
33845 ENG* K101 3 English Composition ONLINE
33106 ENG*K101S 6 English Composition Embedded LRON TR 12:30 – 3:50 pm
33300 ESL* K060 4 Writing With Oral Practice and Grammar I LRON MW 6:00 – 8:05 pm
33729 ESL* K063 4 Writing With Oral Practice and Grammer III LRON MW 6:00 – 8:05 pm
33105 IDS* K105 3 First Year Experience LRON M 6:00 – 9:00 pm
33561 MAT* K095 3 Elementary Algebra Foundations LRON MW 1:30 – 3:05 pm
33104 MAT* K137S 4 Intermediate Algebra Embedded LRON MW 1:30 – 3:05 pm
33848 OCE*K101 3 Introduction to Oceanography ONLINE

Legend: Days: M­ – Monday, T­ – Tuesday, W­ – Wednesday, R­ – Thursday; Instructional Methods: ONLN – Fully Online, LRON – Live online with professor and classmates at scheduled time. For more information, visit Instructional Methods.

Register today.

Here are the instructions you need to get the classes you want. Don’t wait. Now’s the time. Classes are filling up quickly.

Current Student Registration

Registering for the Fall term

All registration can be done online at my.commnet.edu in the Banner Self Service section.

Prior to Registering

Students should reach out to their Academic Advisor for consultation via email before scheduling, if needed. (You can locate your assigned advisor by logging into MyCommNet and accessing this information through the Banner Student & Faculty Self-Service link. You will then select Student Records followed by Check Advisor. In addition, your assigned advisor is listed on your “DegreeWorks” summary, which is also accessible from within MyCommNet.  Once you have located the name of your assigned advisor, you may search for his/her email address using the Employee Directory.)

Students that cannot connect with their assigned Academic Advisor can email TR-Advising@threefdn.wpenginepowered.com and a full time Advisor will contact them (online or phone).

Advising and Registration Steps

  1. Access your Plan of Study to determine which courses you need for your major here.
  2. Review your degree progress by accessing DegreeWorks here.
  3. Select your courses for the summer and/or fall semester using the Course Schedule here.
  4. Now you are ready to register for your courses!
    • Login to MyCommNet
    • Access the Banner Student & Faculty Self-Service link
    • Click “Registration/Schedule”
    • Select “Class Registration”
    • Select the correct term (Summer 2020 or Fall 2020), then “Submit”
    • Enter your 5-digit CRNs and click “Submit Changes,” or you can click on “Class Search” to locate courses
    • Once you see “Web Registered,” you are registered for your course(s)

Do you need help with registering online?

Payment considerations for students who receive Financial Aid:

Payment considerations for students who are “self-pay:”

  • For Fall 2020 classes – Fees are due at the time of registration
  • If you do not receive financial aid, you may sign up for a payment plan. The payment plan breaks tuition payments into three equal monthly installments. Please email TR-businesslink@threefdn.wpenginepowered.com to discuss your payment options.

New Student Registration

Welcome aboard! We’re so happy you’re considering Three Rivers. We’re here to help you through each of the following steps.

How to Apply

New students are those who are starting at Three Rivers for the first time (new or transferring) or re-enrolling after having been away for more than two years.

To enroll, please visit How to Enroll where you’ll find detailed information on how to apply, what you’ll need, links to the online application and much more. You’ll also find links to the special application process for our nursing program.

Want to speak with someone from the Admissions Department directly?

Get the advise you need from one of our Admissions advisors. You can choose from:

They will be ready to chat about everything from what it’s like to be a Three Rivers student, what degree programs might be right for you, and financial aid to applying to the College, applying to the nursing program, and enrolling for classes. Find all the ways to personally connect with the Admissions Department at How to Enroll

Course Registration

Once you are enrolled, you’ll need to speak with your advisor before scheduling classes so that they can ensure that your selected classes are aligned with your academic program. If you do not have an advisor, please email TR-Advising@threefdn.wpenginepowered.com and include your name, phone number and email address. An advisor will be contact you once you have emailed in a request.

Tuition and Fees

Fall 2020 In-State (also applies to residents of MA, NY, RI)*

Per Credit Hour – $284
3-credit course – $629

Fall 2020 NEBHE (NH, VT, ME)*

Per Credit Hour – $411
3-credit course  – $928.50

Fall 2020 Out-of-State*

Per Credit Hour – $792
3-credit course – $1,827

Find a complete list of tuition rates and fees here.

*Does not include certain course, studio or lab fees. All tuition and fees are subject to change.