Safe Boating
Connecticut Safe Boating Certificate and Personal Watercraft Operator’s Certificate
This program is taught by volunteers or employees of the Connecticut DEEP Boating Division. It is designed to fulfill the Connecticut Safe Boating Certificate requirements and the Personal Watercraft Operator’s Certificate.
Upon completing the course and final examination, the student can carry the diploma, application for certification, and the appropriate fee to any State DEEP office to obtain the Safe Boating Certificate and/or the Personal Watercraft Operator’s Certificate.
Course Outcome
You will learn:
- Safety equipment requirements
- Environmental awareness
- Boating regulations
- Boat launches and local regulations
- Rules and navigation
- Safety information
- Tides and sunrise/sunset date
For more information about the licensing process, please visit the website of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
- You must get a Conservation ID number before you start the courses. Directions for getting your Conservation ID are below:
- If you have a Connecticut Hunting or Fishing License, your Conservation ID will be the same ID number assigned with the hunting and fishing license.
- If you need a Conservation ID number:
- Go to the Online Sportsman Licensing – Scroll to the bottom of the page and hit START.
- Go to the search by personal information – you will need to put in either your Social Security# or driver’s license number to see if you are in the system as having a conservation ID previously issued to you. If not, you will go to – Select here to receive your Conservation ID only for an Education Course Registration, and complete the registration process. Follow the instructions for “New Customers.”
- Print out your Conservation ID profile and bring it to your class.
- You will need to provide your Conservation ID number and your date of birth for the class roster.
Course Schedules
Session 1: Summer 2022 CRN#TBD
- Instructor: DEEP
- Instruction Method: LRON (Live Remote) – These classes are similar to traditional classes except fully online. You attend LRON classes at the scheduled times with your professor and classmates in a Zoom-like session. For more information about Instructional Methods, visit here. Students will receive a link prior to the first class.
- Date:
- Time:
- Location: Online
- Cost: $50.00
- Registration deadline:
Register Now!
To register for this course, please visit our Workforce Registration Page. You’ll find directions on how to register, along with information about information sessions with Workforce advisors, funding sources for financing your tuition, refund policies, and more.
Please Note: It is mandatory that you provide all necessary forms with your registration. A seat will not be held until all of your documentation and payment are received.