Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S.

I chose to come to TRCC for the Mechanical Engineering program and found everyone here helpful. My professor even helped me get an internship at Pratt and Whitney, where I was offered a job after graduation.
Jogaintz Ledoux, Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S. ’19
The Mechanical Engineering Technology program will prepare you to be technicians and designers for employment in industry through specialized training and education in statics, machine design, fluid dynamics, and thermodynamics, with an emphasis on the design, manufacturing, testing and development of various products, machines and systems. You will have hands-on education and training in state-of-the-art laboratories, on the most sophisticated equipment available. You will be prepared to work alongside engineers in research, sales, or manufacturing industries, and be highly marketable for many different types of industries. Currently nationwide trends indicate that the number of mechanical job openings far exceeds the number of graduates. This program will prepare you for transfer to four-year institutions, especially four-year engineering technology programs.
Special Opportunities
The Mechanical Engineering Technology program has a co-op option that allows the student to work while substituting the work experience for a technical elective. Many local industries are actively seeking and obtaining the Mechanical co-op student.
Career Options
CAD Operators
Quality Control Specialists
Robotic Technicians
Sales Representatives
Design Technicians
Testing Technicians
Easy Transfer Options
Bismark State College
Central Connecticut State University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Fairfield University
Sacred Heart University
Southern Connecticut State University
University of Bridgeport
University of Connecticut
University of New Haven
University of Saint Joseph
Western Connecticut State University
Related Degrees & Certificates
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Electrical Engineering Technology, A.S.
Engineering Science, A.S.
General Engineering Technology, A.A.S
Manufacturing Engineering Technology, A.S.
Mathematics Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
See below for a list of all full-time Department Faculty. Please note that not all listed faculty may teach courses related to this specific degree or certificate program.
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*Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics