General Engineering Technology, A.A.S.

“Three Rivers professors and staff inspired me to pursue my dreams and taught me to never give up. My time at the College also gave me the ability to experience and understand what a wide variety of different career paths were possible for me.” Arrianna Boyden, General Engineering Technology, A.A.S. ’17
The General Engineering Technology (GET) program was developed to meet the industry’s need for generalists as opposed to technicians educated in a specific discipline. This program gives you the opportunity to design an engineering technology curriculum to meet your own individual needs. GET students are currently employed by Electric Boat, Pratt and Whitney, Connecticut Municipal Electrical Energy Coop, the US Navy, and other southeastern Connecticut industries. Students have also successfully transferred to four-year institutions in Engineering Technology such as Central Connecticut State University School of Technology.
Easy Transfer Options
Bismark State College
Central Connecticut State University
Eastern Connecticut State University
Sacred Heart University
Southern Connecticut State University
University of Bridgeport
University of Connecticut
University of New Haven
University of Saint Joseph
Western Connecticut State University
Related Degrees & Certificates
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Electrical Engineering Technology, A.S.
Engineering Science, A.S.
Environmental Engineering Technology, A.S.
Manufacturing Engineering Technology, A.S.
Mathematics Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Mechanical Engineering Technology, A.S.
Physics Studies, A.A. – CSCU Pathway Transfer Degree
Technology Studies, A.S.
See below for a list of all full-time Department Faculty. Please note that not all listed faculty may teach courses related to this specific degree or certificate program.
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*Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics