Still need an extra course?

Classes Start September 12 and October 24.

Register today! Earn up to 3 credits in just 7 or 12 weeks.

Students MUST register before 9/16 to still be awarded Financial Aid for these courses!

But hurry! Classes are filling up quickly. Here’s a complete listing of available classes.

12-Week Courses Beginning September 12


17706 ART*2090 3 Portfolio Prep I TRAD W 9:30 am – 12:50 pm 
17706 ART2090 3 Portfolio Prep I ONLINE  –
15687 ART2190 3 Portfolio Prep II TRAD W 9:30 am – 12:50 pm 
15687 ART2190 3 Portfolio Prep II ONLINE
15687 ART1002 3 Global Art History TRAD MW 3:30-5:00 pm
13676 ASTR1001 6 Principles of Astronomy TRAD A 5:15-8:30 pm
10841 GEOG1010 3 World Regional Geography HYBRID T 3:30-5:00 pm
10841 GEOG1010 3 World Regional Geography ONLINE

7-Week Courses Beginning October 24

11986 BMKT2010 3 Principles of Marketing TRAD TR 5:30-8:15 pm
12784 ENG1020 3 Composition II and Literature ONLINE
10686 HIST1016 3 US History from Reconstruction ONLINE
10771 HPE1067 1 Introduction to Pranayama and Meditation LRON W 4:00-5:50 pm
10070 PSY1011 3 General Psychology I TRAD MW 9:30 am- 12:15 pm

*Updated on 9/8 at 3:00 pm

Legend: Days: M­ – Monday, T­ – Tuesday, W­ – Wednesday, R­ – Thursday; Instructional Methods: TRAD – On Campus, ONLN – Fully Online, HYBRID – combine meetings held either online or on-campus at a specified time and online classwork completed on your own schedule,  LRON – Live online with professor and classmates at scheduled time. For more information, visit Instructional Methods.

Current Student Registration

Registering for Late Start Classes

All registration can be done online at in the Banner Self Service section.

Prior to Registering

Students should reach out to their Academic Advisor for consultation via email before scheduling, if needed. (You can locate your assigned advisor by logging into MyCommNet and accessing this information through the Banner Student & Faculty Self-Service link. You will then select Student Records followed by Check Advisor. In addition, your assigned advisor is listed on your “DegreeWorks” summary, which is also accessible from within MyCommNet.  Once you have located the name of your assigned advisor, you may search for his/her email address using the Employee Directory.)

Students that cannot connect with their assigned Academic Advisor can email and a full time Advisor will contact them (online or phone).

Advising and Registration Steps

  1. Access your Plan of Study to determine which courses you need for your major here.
  2. Review your degree progress by accessing DegreeWorks here.
  3. Select your courses for the summer and/or fall semester using the Course Schedule here.
  4. Now you are ready to register for your courses!
    • Login to myCTState
    • Access the Banner Student & Faculty Self-Service link
    • Click “Registration/Schedule”
    • Select “Class Registration”
    • Select the correct term (Fall 2023), then “Submit”
    • Enter your 5-digit CRNs and click “Submit Changes,” or you can click on “Class Search” to locate courses
    • Once you see “Web Registered,” you are registered for your course(s)

Do you need help with registering online?

Students that need assistance can email in their registration requests using their CT State email to

Academic Advising

Academic Advising is available on a walk-in basis during walk-in registration hours.
Questions on advising? Email:

New to Three Rivers?

Before registering for classes, new students need to enroll.

How do I get started?

Simply visit

Need more help?

Get personal attention by calling 860-215-9016.

Tuition and Fees

Fall 2021 In-State (also applies to residents of MA, NY, RI)*

Per Credit Hour – $284
3-credit course – $629

Fall 2021 NEBHE (NH, VT, ME)*

Per Credit Hour – $411
3-credit course  – $928.50

Fall 2021 Out-of-State*

Per Credit Hour – $792
3-credit course – $1,827

Find a complete list of tuition rates and fees here.

*Does not include certain course, studio or lab fees. All tuition and fees are subject to change.