Three Rivers Pinning Ceremony Celebrates 32 Nursing Students

Nursing Class President Tracy Sibley ’17 addresses her peers at the Nursing Pinning Ceremony.
On Tuesday, May 23, Three Rivers Community College held the twenty-fourth Nursing Pinning Ceremony. During the ceremony, 32 nursing students received their nursing pin, marking the completion of their nursing degree and serving as a symbol of their readiness to serve as compassionate professional caregivers.
The pinning ceremony opened with remarks by Mary Ellen Jukoski, President of Three Rivers, who said, “Congratulations on your perseverance and dedication. Our program requires study, fortitude and diligence. You are the cream of the crop, and I hope that one day one of you will be taking care of me.”
Edith Ouellet, Director of Nursing and Allied Health, urged the nursing students to “practice the art and science of nursing with your amazing minds and a loving heart, and always continue to build on what you have learned here.” The keynote speaker, retiring nursing faculty member Patricia Colonghi, echoed the sentiment to keep learning when she encouraged students to “continue your education. Your education will benefit your patients.” The nursing class president, Tracy Sibley ’17, got chuckles from her peers as she shared memories of the challenges they had all faced together. A candlelight recitation of the Nurse’s Pledge followed the presentation of the students’ nursing pins.

Three Rivers President Mary Ellen Jukoski congratulates the nursing students on their success.
During Three River’s Commencement on May 24, the students will be awarded an Associate of Science in Nursing. Upon completion of a licensing examination, the graduates will have earned the credential of Registered Nurse (RN).
Three Rivers graduates’ scores on the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) are consistently above the national average, with a three-year average of over 93%. Graduates also report a 100% job placement on the last three graduate surveys.