Start your Bachelor’s here

What’s the least expensive way to get a bachelor’s degree?

Start at Three Rivers!

Save up to $87,000 by going to Three Rivers for years 1 & 2.
Then transfer for your junior and senior year!

Cost of attending Three Rivers for two years compared to attending other Connecticut colleges

$0 – Three Rivers through our PACT program! (Learn more.)

$9,192 – Three Rivers

$24,608 + room & board– Connecticut State Universities (CSU)

$37,048 + room & board– UConn

$41,776 + room & board– Goodwin College

$87,120 + room & board – University of Hartford (UH)

(All figures are for 2021 and include tuition and fees for two years, not room and board.)

And, financial aid reduces our tuition for 67% of our students. Find out if you’re eligible.

So, with two years at Three Rivers and two years at the university of your choice, you can still get:

Enroll now!