Graduate Guest Book

Current Residence :
Graphic Design, A.S.Year of Graduation:
2020I’d like to give a shout out to:
Thank you to my Mom for always being supportive and forever offering her help. Thank you for always being a hand in the dark!
I want to thank my Dad for the not so subtle reminders that form follows function, always.
Thank you to Kevin Amenta for being a great mentor and a wonderful friend. Also, thanks for the nickname!
Thank you to my sister for always showing me a view of the working world and for being an amazing role model to her little sister. Baby Zod is super thankful!
To Kenzie Costello and Kiersten Galloway, thank you for everything, from the late night study sessions to the early morning coffee runs. You are my rocks and creative muses. You're the best friends a girl could ask for!
Lastly, to Corwin Walker for always being there for me. Sorry for making you read all my really rough, rough drafts. This is less of shout out and more of a formal apology 🙂 .
What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:
Graphic Design is my way of helping make the world a more beautiful place.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:
The cast of characters I came across while attending. I met some faces I will never forget.
Clubs, volunteer work, organizations that I participated in while at Three Rivers included:
I was president of both Quill and Brush and The Current for a term.
After working a couple of jobs within the school, I became a Teaching Assistant and Tutor for the Graphic Design Program.
Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:
Continuing my education in Graphic Information Design at Central Connecticut State University.
What I’ll miss most about Three Rivers is:
I don't think I'm able to find the right words to express how I feel. Instead, I will let someone else do it who can phrase it much more eloquently then I ever could. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” -Winnie the Pooh
Z, you are one of the most genuine and inspiring people I have met in all of my life. Thank you for being an exemplary Teaching Assistant, caring friend, and armchair psychologist when I needed it. You are one of the biggest things I will miss about this school and class, and one of the best things to come out of it. Congratulations !
I’m so glad I met you and became so close with you ! Not only were you my classmate and co-worker but you were my biggest supporter through everything. I will miss the late night cram sessions and the 4am Walmart trips. Although we’re gonna be at different schools I know that our friendship will stretch any distance.
Thank you for everything! I’m so proud of you !
Congratulations 🎈🎉
-Gil sans
Sam ~ To segue off of Winnie the Pooh: How did I get so lucky to be able to have you as an American Sign Language student at Fitch and then at TRCC? You are a gift to the world! I looked forward to your smiles in the copy room and hallway but your laugh just filled the spaces with joy! Go forth with your optimism ~ the world needs you and your joyful outlook!!! Share your gifts of compassion, hope, smiles and laughter!!
Love and hugs,
Paula \l”/
Samantha!!!! You did it!!! I’m so proud of you and I’m not sure what Kevin will do without you! I miss my girls in class, but you are always in my heart!
I can’t wait to see what you are going to do next!
Mucho love, Mama Moss
Sam, you did it!!! Congratulations on graduating. We know all of the hard work that you put into it. We loved having you as our Graphic Design Intern in the Marketing Department. Come back and see us some time. Best of luck in your sparkling future.
– Kathryn
Congratulations Samantha!
Wishing you all the best as you graduate from
Three Rivers and continue having new and exciting opportunities and adventures.
We are all so very proud of your accomplishments.
We love you and your spunk and style!
Z!!!!! It’s about time! I kid, I kid. But I literally have watched you BLOSSOM! From the classes, we shared to watching you become a TA has been incredible. Your creativity knows no bounds and I’m so excited to see what you do and accomplish next. From that young freshman, I first met to the crazy, spunky and outgoing young woman you are now, I could not be more proud to be your friend! Congratulations!!!!
That is how you will forever be known… Simply as Z! When I first met you, you had an overabundance of energy, joy and enthusiasm and it has only grown over these past four years. Your willingness to share your time with others is unmatched! I have never met anyone that enjoys helping others as much as you do. I’m not sure what I would’ve done without your assistance, encouragement and friendship over these past four years! I think you have helped me as much as I have helped you and it will not be forgotten! Congrats on your amazing achievement and well deserved degree!
Sam, it’s been a long road. But with your typical determination, you continued to forge ahead until you got where you wanted to go. We’ve never been prouder of you! You go, girl—and keep going! Love you to the moon and back again. 💗