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Graduate Guest Book

Kaylyn Alise Sadler
Nursing, A.S.
Current Residence :
Nursing, A.S.Year of Graduation:
2020I am the first in my family to earn a college degree.
YesI wanted to earn my degree because:
I wanted to show my children that anything is possible - the future is all about choices.
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:
My husband, Brien, my children, Ewyn, Morgan and Brendan, my person- April - who has been there through it all, and Jen and Ryan Telford and their extended family who have helped take care of us during the past 2 years!
I’d like to give a shout out to:
My family - all over the country! I did it!
What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:
The professors, and the community that we have built.
Clubs, volunteer work, organizations that I participated in while at Three Rivers included:
Student Nurses Association
I plan to use my degree to:
Begin working as an registered nurse while working on my bachelors degree.
Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:
Starting a career in the field I love!
What I’ll miss most about Three Rivers is:
My Professors!
You have accomplished a great feat and have so much to be proud of. Welcome to the exciting profession of nursing. I wouldn’t trade 1 day of this amazing fulfilling career and I know you won’t either!
Yay congratulations girl!!
You got this
To a student who showed incredible growth in confidence. It was so rewarding to watch this develop. Don’t ever doubt yourself. Continue to grow and learn and always know you can do anything. Congratulations and best wishes as you begin your new career!
I knew someday you would take this road it is in the family blood of caring being sincere and honest.I only hope that you find your career to be as rewarding as mine has been.Go get them baby I love you Mom