Current Residence :
Old LymeDegree/Certificate:
Visual Fine Arts, A.A.Year of Graduation:
2020I am the first in my family to earn a college degree.
YesI wanted to earn my degree because:
I was lacking direction after completing high-school and wanted to learn more, both academically and socially.
The Visual Fine Arts degree also leaned into my hobby of film and gaming.
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:
My classmates, who were just as emotionally volatile and understanding of one another as myself.
Without them I don't think I would have grown as much as an artist/individual.
I’d like to give a shout out to:
Sandra Jeknavorian, for the fantastic art program at Three Rivers.
Brian Dimmock, for meeting every student at their level, and really opening up art as a playful environment.
Joseph Victorino, for pushing me WAY outside my comfort zone, and for being the greatest support/friend along the way.
Kevin Amenta, for his digital courses, that has allowed me to finally make an income independently.
Every classmate between Portfolio Prep I & II, because you guys are great artists and friends.
Michael Arabic, for his time serving VGC as Treasurer, and for killing it in Rocket League.
And every other TRCC staff member for being fantastic the last four years. Especially Roy Tookes.
What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:
It was a chance develop my craft in the language of visual arts; a very abstract medium, that finally allowed me to express myself emotionally while also developing applicable skills.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:
Making friends with individuals coming from different home lives, cultures, and interests.
K-12 felt very same-y with everyone being cut from the same cloth, but just having classmates who were in their 50s at Three Rivers made for an enriching environment to learn from.
Clubs, volunteer work, organizations that I participated in while at Three Rivers included:
Video Game Club, starting as a member in 2017, Vice President from 2018-2019, and President from 2019-2021.
Also crashed Table-Top Club on occasion for their sick games of Lethal League and Speed Runners.
I plan to use my degree to:
Further my art career towards a bachelors degree
Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:
Going to college again for a higher education and the chance to find more folk like myself.
What I’ll miss most about Three Rivers is:
Most everything:
The community.
The professors.
The classmates.
The leisure.
The clubs.
The events.
I'm really going to miss it all.