Graduate Guest Book

Current Residence :
Early Childhood Education, A.S.Year of Graduation:
2020I wanted to earn my degree because:
Helping young children truly understand what they're learning has been a passion of mine since having my own children almost fourteen years ago. As a parent you quickly recognize the importance of not just what they're learning, but how they're learning it. Throughout my education I learned the various methods of teaching and how to combine those methods for the children's different styles of learning. This can create lifelong changes in how children learn and feel towards learning in the future.
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:
My family, of course, who never doubted I was capable. My husband was the first to push me toward attaining a degree in something I wanted to pursue. My parents helped me discover my passion for working with children and my children were my strength.
I’d like to give a shout out to:
My husband, Remington Wood, for asking more of me than I thought I had. My parents, Flint and Lia Bergen, for always encouraging me to continue during my toughest moments. My children, Nicoli and Isabella Wood, for keeping me grounded and giving me strength everyday. To my dearest professor, Sheila Skahan, who made me feel more capable than I believed and consistently helped me push my boundaries and navigate my learning.
What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:
For awhile I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life. After taking my first course in ECE I realized I had an interest in working with children. After my first course under Sheila Skahan, I realized I had a passion for helping children grow. All of these courses provided different ways of exploring the steps involved in helping children learn and emphasized the differences in how each child understands. I greatly appreciated all of the hands-on experiences afforded to me so that I could see those differences in person. It was a truly enlightening experience.
What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:
How incredibly helpful and supportive everyone was. I never felt as if I couldn't find help when I needed it. Becoming a student, gaining financial aid, and buying my textbooks were all things that filled me with anxiety when I first enrolled but my worries for each were quickly alleviated due to the help of the staff at Three Rivers. Throughout my courses, all of my professors were more than willing to clarify information for me and often created an atmosphere of welcoming and friendliness that allowed mistakes. Some of my fondest memories were with my classmates. There was always at least one classmate in each course who I grasped onto because I admired their style of learning and wanted to learn with and from them. A lot of the stress I had with quizzes, tests, and projects was overcome because of the help of these classmates so I am truly thankful for all of them.
Clubs, volunteer work, organizations that I participated in while at Three Rivers included:
Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society
I plan to use my degree to:
Gain a position as a teaching aide here in Seminole, which I am thankful to report I was just offered this month. No matter what I go on to do in the future, I know it will involve a way to help more children throughout their education. I hope to instill a love for learning in all the children I work with.
Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:
Relaxing. I've been spread a bit thinner than I'd like lately. My husband was in the Navy and out to sea for most of my education so going to school while having to take on the load of parenting myself was more of a struggle than I would have liked. I'm excited to finally be able to start my job in the profession I've been pursuing for so long.
What I’ll miss most about Three Rivers is:
The people. The people are what made my experience what it was and I am grateful for everyone who helped me attain this degree.
Smokeshow!🤩😘😍 I am super lucky to have spent so many years with you and I am truly proud of your accomploshment. Congratulations.
To the Wood Family,
So proud. Even from Texas, your legacy, standards and heart remain a legend. So much more for you to accomplish- you are the exception!
Great job! I had no doubt that you could get this done. Glad to see your hard work pay off! Time to go make those millions so Rem can retire! 😂
We are extremely proud of your huge accomplishment. Being that we have both been teachers, we know that you will get a lot of satisfaction from teaching. We are both so excited for you!
Christie ,You looked so beautiful on your graduation day❣️Well with the wonderful mom and dad that you have and brother and sister,I wouldn’t doubt you for a minute! You have the intelligence and the charm and the determination to Excell above the the best🏆 So glad you had a wonderful teacher, thank God! We all love you so much. Grandma Raymond
I’m so very proud of you Christie! It’s such an accomplishment and I’m sure you’ll experience many more in the years to come. Make each day a bit better than yesterday Sweetie. I love you and can’t wait until we can hang out. You’re my daughter and my friend. We’ll talk soon.
Christie Ashley Wood, I am a Mother beaming with such pride right now.
After all the long nights, bouts of frustration and numerous talks of me telling you, “you can do it!” You have seen the light at the end of the tunnel. You have finally accomplished one of your big goals in life! You found resilience when faced with difficult challenges and came back a stronger person. That in itself is an accomplishment.
Congratulations Sweetheart!
I would also like to say how thankful I am for Professor Sheila Skahan. She is one of a kind! We need more like her.
I sent a heartfelt congratulations to you Christie Ashley upon this great accomplishment that you have made
in attaining your associates degree. You are passionate, congenial and very bright. I feel blessed for every child that should be taught by you. I’m confident that you will teach with passion and much care for your students. May God bless you and prosper you is your career and may you make a positive difference in the life multitude so children. Much love and blessings, and Suzanne
So very proud of you !!! In my opinion raising a family and being the wife of a service member are great accomplishments !!! Being and doing all that while still continuing your education, and earning your degree is nothing short of amazing and a feat few people have the desire or ability to do !!! You are truly an exception !! I did notice however that I was not included in your shout out. I know it’s been some time, with you and Rem leaving to do his military service but I thought the impact I made in your life would carry this far !! I’m sure it was just an oversight !!! Lol. Love you and am very proud to call you my niece. Love, uncle Jerry
Christie!!!!! Congratulations my girl!!!! I’m so excited for you!!! You are such a beautiful young lady and I’m so proud that you are my niece!!! I know you’ve worked really hard for this accomplishment through all your military moving, raising 2 beautiful kids, and maintaining a happy home and marriage! You did it!!!! So proud! I know your future will be bright! I’ll be praying God’s love & blessings on you, your family, and your future!!
Ps!! We miss you!!! Hope to see you soon!!
Love Aunt Mel!!