Graduate Guest Book

Current Residence :
General Studies, A.S.Year of Graduation:
2020I wanted to earn my degree because:
I am currently majoring in Nursing with a passion for Science. Pursuing and continuing my education has been my goal for years! Looking forward to many more successful years ahead of me!
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were:
While earning my degree, my greatest supporters were my mother and my family!
I’d like to give a shout out to:
My mother for always believing in me and reminding me how important my education is and always making sure I never give up!
What I like best about my degree program and what it means to me is:
What I like best about my degree is how much knowledge I have gained from all classes ranging from Psychology to Anatomy to Chemistry and Biology!
What I enjoyed most about my experience at Three Rivers Community College was:
I enjoyed being a part of The National Society of Leadership and Success and being inducted into Alpha Beta Phi!
Clubs, volunteer work, organizations that I participated in while at Three Rivers included:
The National Society of Leadership and Success.
I plan to use my degree to:
I plan to use my degree to transfer into my future nursing career!
Now that I have completed college, I’m most looking forward to:
Now that I have completed college, I'm looking forward to starting my Nursing Program at Three Rivers Community College.
What I’ll miss most about Three Rivers is:
I have recently been accepted into Three Rivers Nursing Program and I am soooo excited to begin my new Journey!
Congratulations cousin ; continue being great at everything you do. I love you ❤️
Congratulations Britney I’m so proud of you!!❤️ You are such a beautiful person inside and out ! You will achieve everything you want you are capable of that and much more you are a great mother and wife! Don’t let nobody tell you otherwise 💕 thank god we all cross each other you guys are a family to us now!!!! You are a great friend can’t wait to go on vacation and etc with you! I love you!!!!!
Let’s party !!!!!!!
“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.” – Mahatma Gandhi ..I know I teased you about how long it took you but I was kidding. Slowly but surely the turtle always wins the race. Whether its one step or half a step keep moving forward. Take a second, look back, take a breathe and admire what you’ve accomplished, because you’re just getting started. Congratulations Sister, Im proud of you.
Brittany I’m beyond proud of you. You have such a beautiful soul and you’re an amazing mother. Look at you, setting goals and reaching them. Your son sees you. He’ll forever be grateful for what you’re doing to better yourself.
Thanks for being that positive light we all need sometimes…
“Even though graduation is going to look different for you, the achievement is still the same. You’ve put in the same hard work. You’ve learned and grown so much. And I couldn’t be prouder.” Congratulations Brittany!!
Brittany I’m so proud of you, you’ve always made me proud, not by your determination but by you never giving up on your goals and dreams. I pray nothing but yo be able to watch them all come true Love Mommy
Congratulations sissy ❤️ I’m so proud to call you my big sister and more proud of everything you’ve accomplished in life. Your a beautiful, intelligent, strong woman and I know you’ll always do great things in life! I wish I was there to celebrate with you but just know I’m always gonna be here for you no matter what. I love you❣️
I am sooooo proud of you! I admire your strength to keep moving forward. You never gave up and you did it! You made it! You can only go up from here. Congrats! ♥️
Congratulations to someone who is beautiful inside and out. Wishing you all the best on your next endeavor!
I am so proud of you i have been here from the beginning now look you graduated God bless and success your time is now!!!
I’m extremely proud of you. Your a mom, a student, an employee, and a wonderful friend. How do you do it all?! You make no excuses and I’m so proud of you for setting the bar. I’ll always root for you and your accomplishments. Congratulations! Love you always.
Curly Britt, I am so proud of you and your accomplishment! I know it wasn’t easy seeing you stressed out at work and studying all times of the night, but you did it girl not just for you but for your family too. Congratulations girl you did it!
Yaaasss girl! You did it and I can’t be more proud ! I am over the moon for you being able to reach this milestone; among the many other things you are doing every day as a mother, daughter, and friend. You’re an inspiration !
“But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7
Britt, I am so proud of you. What an accomplishment! May God continue to give you the passion and drive to succeed in all that you set out to do. You worked so hard for this. May the fruit of your labor come to you in abundance. Love you dearly.
Brittany, you are such a beautiful young lady, inside and out. Your caring and kind nature is exactly what will make you an amazing nurse. You should be so proud of yourself because college is tough by itself, nevermind adding wife, mom and daily job to that equation. Good luck in the nursing program. You Got This! ❤️