You do not need to take an SAT test to enroll. However, SAT scores and other testing play a role in your placement for math and english classes.
The Admissions Department is usually able to notify students within a week of when their applications are submitted.
Applications are accepted throughout the year. We ask that students submit their application no later than two weeks before the beginning of a semester/session.
Campus tours are offered to individuals on a weekly basis; please allow one week to schedule a tour. Group tours can also be arranged.
58% women, 42% men.
Student Life
Parking is free.
Yes. The S.E.A.T. Bus connects the campus to neighborhoods in Groton, New London, Norwich, and surrounding communities. Anymore information on public transportation click here.
No. Three Rivers does not have any dorms.
Yes. Three Rivers has an OASIS center, as well as counselors dedicated to academic advising and other support specifically for veterans.
All students with documented disabilities are accommodated; these services are coordinated through the Counseling Center.
Yes. The Admissions and Financial Aid departments assist students with the financial aid application process, including determining a student’s eligibility for work-study funding.
Yes. Enrolled students have access to the fitness center, which offers a variety of fitness machines and equipment.
While there are no interscholastic athletics, there are several student club teams in a variety of team sports. Students can start a new club if there is not one for the sport they wish to participate in. Club teams play in recreational leagues in the area.
Three Rivers does not have a meal plan; students pay out-of-pocket. The cafeteria is open Monday – Thursday 8:30 AM – 8:00 PM, and Friday 8:30 AM – 1:30 PM. There are also vending machines available.
Yes. Students log onto the college’s wifi networks using their student ID.
Notification of weather cancellation is provided through local television and radio stations, on the college’s website, and through the school’s myCommNet communication system to which all students have access.
The use or possession of weapons (as defined in Section 53-206 of the Connecticut General Statutes) is prohibited on campus or at college activities.
Three Rivers offers Assessment for Prior Learning (APL), a program that enables students to get college credits for work and life experience. Our APL program is the largest within Connecticut’s community college system.
Full time students can graduate with an Associate’s Degree within two years. Students can pursue degrees while enrolled only part time; the number of semesters required for part time students to graduate varies.
Anyone can take a non-credit class (also referred to as workforce and community education classes). It is also possible to take a single for-credit class without being enrolled in a degree program.
Students can arrange internships with businesses or organizations outside the college with the help of their advisor and advising services.
Yes. Students can arrange tutoring through the Tutoring and Academic Success Center.
Yes. Many of our courses are available online. This is includes credit courses, which can be found listed in the Course Search, as well as non-credit classes which are available through Online Learning/Ed2Go. In addition, we now offer options for fully Online Degree and Certificate Programs.
Yes. A student can earn two degrees in different curriculums at Three Rivers, so long as they meet the standards for academic credits within a program. Requests for additional degrees beyond the second require prior approval from the Academic Dean.
18 to 1.
Yes. A student wishing to participate in the Honors program must have a 3.5 high school cumulative GPA or a 3.5 college GPA based on a minimum of 12 credit hours. Letters of recommendation and other requirements must also be met. Learn more here.
Three Rivers has a Career Services department to assist students in job search assistance.