Spring 2019 Registration: Action Needed!
Spring 2019 Action Options:
You are registered for classes at Three Rivers and have not yet made payment. Classes begin Thursday, January 24. You must take one of the following actions by Tuesday January 22 at 5:00 pm:
Option 1: Make payment or sign up for a Payment Plan
Online: Log into my.commnet.edu
- Select “Banner Student Self Service” on the top right of the page
- Click the middle box labeled “Billing/Payment”
- Select “My Account/Payment Information”
- Select “Student Account and Payment Center” in gray box
- Confirm or Select “School and Term”
- Enter payment amount
- Continue with card information and then “Submit”
In Person: Visit the Cashier’s Office – Tuesday – 8:30-6:30
Note: The College is normally closed on Saturday and Sunday. The college will be closed on Monday, January 21 to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Option 2: Complete one of the below deferment forms and send to TR-BusinessLink@threefdn.wpenginepowered.com or take to the Cashier’s Office:
- For students who have applied for financial aid and do not yet know if they are eligible, you may complete a Financial Agreement Form, or
- For students who have been impacted by the federal government shutdown, you should complete the Federal Government Shutdown Deferred Payment Agreement.
Option 3: Request to be deleted from your Spring classes. You should send this request to:
TR-BusinessLink@threefdn.wpenginepowered.com. Please be sure to include your name and student ID.
If you have any questions, you may contact the Business Office at TR-BusinessLink@threefdn.wpenginepowered.com or (860) 215-9312.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.