TRCC Honors Program
Helping You Reach Your Greatest Potential
If you are academically talented and motivated, then the Three Rivers Community College Honors Program could be for you. It helps students like you develop advanced academic skills through challenging work that emphasizes critical and analytical thinking and allows you to explore your own interests.
Benefits include:
- Honors designation on transcripts
- Individualized advising and faculty mentors
- Automatic eligibility for membership in Phi Theta Kappa, the TRCC Honors Society, after successful completion of 18 credits at the college with a 3.5 GPA
- Written recognition of scholastic achievement
- Personal letter of recommendation
How it Works
- Students select 1-4 courses that are part of their designated curriculum and identify them for honors credit. The credit will be earned upon completion of an additional Honors Project designed to enrich the academic experience of the course.
- Students need approval of a faculty member who will oversee the Honors Project. Participation in an Honors Project is at the discretion of the faculty member. Before the Project begins, the student must submit a proposal, signed by the faculty member, to the Honors Program Coordinator for approval.
- Each Project requires a written piece of work (this might include a research paper, a lab report, original creative works, or a self-reflective journal, depending on the focus of the project). Projects may include, but do not require, the use of academic research or original data collection.
- All Honors Projects must be successfully completed to the satisfaction of the faculty member and the Honors Program Coordinator. In addition, the student must earn a B+ or higher in the course for Honors designation on the transcript.
- There is a limit of 2 Honors Projects per semester and students may complete up to 4 Honors Projects during their time at Three Rivers.
Admission Requirements
A student wishing to participate in the Honors Program must have:
- 3.5 high school cumulative GPA or a 3.5 college GPA based on a minimum of 12 credit hours
- One letter of recommendation from a professor or high school teacher
- A personal interview with the Honors Program Coordinator
- Successful completion of MAT* K137 and ENG* K101courses, or scored at MAT* K137 /ENG* K101 level on the placement exams
- Minimum 3.5 GPA in order to remain in good standing
Next Step
Interested? Then contact:
Kevin Amenta, Honors Program Coordinator
(860) 215-9402