ESL- English as a Second Language

Increase Your English Language Skills

ESL - English as a Second LanguageWant to learn English or improve your English language skills? Then Three Rivers ESL courses are for you. Three Rivers Community College offers a sequence of three ESL courses that offer English language learners the opportunity to prepare for college-level coursework.

Here are the courses we have to offer:


Placement into ESL classes is based on the results from the Reading Comprehension, Sentence Skills and Writing portions of the Accuplacer ESLPlacement Test. The placement test must be taken before meeting with an advisor. If an incoming ESL student tests below the minimum Accuplacer/LOEP levels for the placement into ESL 060, it may be necessary for a student to attend Adult Education English classes or begin our free TLC ESL course before attending Three Rivers Community College.

How to Get Started

  1. Call Admissions at 860-215-9016, or at
  2. Make an appointment to take the placement test (plan to be here for about an hour.)
  3. Wait 2-3 days to be contacted by an advisor.
  4. The advisor will recommend which level to begin with and give you the class schedule.
  5. Organize work, family, and travel schedule so that you will not miss any classes.
  6. Purchase required textbooks before the first day of class.

Questions About Registration?

Contact our Admission Office at 860-215-9016 or 

Questions About the ESL Program?

Vicky DiFilippo, Curriculum Leader at 860-215-9466 or