President’s Newsletter
I want to welcome all of you to the start of the 2019-2020 Academic Year! I hope each of you has found some time to relax this summer.
The fall semester is already off to a strong start. On Tuesday, August 27, on the first day of classes, parking lots were full and the hallways were teeming with faculty and staff. 186 classes kicked off that day with many more to come throughout the week. Despite the inconvenience of the construction in the D-Wing, students and faculty found their temporary classrooms and classes went on without a hitch.
As the semester begins, I want to wish each of you a personally satisfying and professionally rewarding year.
Best wishes,
Mary Ellen
June – August Recap
President Jukoski Participates in Panel on Community Colleges at the ACE Fellows Opening Retreat
Three Rivers Community College President Mary Ellen Jukoski, Ed.D., presented at the annual American Council on Education (ACE) Fellows Opening Retreat at the Marriot Hotel in Hartford. The annual week-long retreat focuses on learning goals in higher education. Her panel, called “Understanding the Value and Impact of Community Colleges on Higher Education,” provided an overview of the good work happening at community colleges in Connecticut and across the country, their role in higher education, and how they support their communities by making a cultural and economic difference. Read more here.

Presenting Presidents at the 2019 Annual ACE Retreat. From Left: Mary Ellen Jukoski, Ed.D., President, Three Rivers Community College; M. Valeriana Moeller, President Emeritus, Columbus State Community College (OH); and Daisy Cocco De Filippis, Ph.D., President, Naugatuck Valley Community College
Dr. Rob Steinmetz Visits Three Rivers
On Monday, July 22, Dr. Rob Steinmetz toured the Three Rivers campus and met faculty and staff. Steinmetz is the new president of Region One, Capitol-East, which consists of Capital Community College, Manchester Community College, Middlesex Community College, Quinebaug Valley Community College, and Three Rivers Community College. He most recently served as vice president for student affairs at Portland Community College in Oregon.
Accepted Students Day and New Student Orientation Welcome Students to Three Rivers
New students got a taste of Three Rivers on both the Accepted Students Day and during New Student Orientation. On June 27, students who had applied and been accepted but had not yet registered were given a thorough overview of the school that included an overview of financial aid, and Blackboard as well as tours, Meet the Faculty sessions, and information on choosing a major.
On August 15, 175 registered students attended the New Student Orientation. They were introduced to faculty, student clubs, Blackboard, and College 101.

Assistant Professor Dahlen and a prospective student talk.
Fond Farewells
We bid a fond farewell to many familiar faces around Three Rivers this summer. Wishing a very happy retirement to Larry Davenport, Mark Davis, Christine Languth, Sharon Lincoln, Deirdre Sebastian, Peg Stroup, and Marge Valentin . Enjoy your retirement; you’ve earned it!
UPDATES: HVAC Upgrade and Indoor Air Quality Project
The project to fix the humidity problems experienced in the D and E wings is finally underway. The ongoing humidity issues caused some mold in portions of the D wing, and the mold remediation was completed on Friday, August 23. The construction work has begun, and portions of the D wing will be closed off in order for this work to be completed.
As a result, classes scheduled in these areas will be shifted to other locations throughout the campus. TRCC administration regrets any inconvenience to our students, faculty and staff that will result from these relocations and will seek to keep everyone informed of the project progress as we move along. For initial planning, we expect that the first construction phase will impact the west side of the second floor D wing.
United Way Mobile Food Pantry at Three Rivers
Thank you to all who volunteered with United Way’s Mobile Food Pantry at Three Rivers Community College. On July 23, more than 139 families facing hunger in our community were served. Nearly 12% of people in Southeastern Connecticut face food insecurity — the rate of child food insecurity is nearly 17%! The Mobile Food Pantry comes to Three Rivers every fourth Tuesday of the month and always needs volunteers to help. If you would like to help, contact Janet Hagen.
Quick News
Lactation Room Available
Comfortable accommodations are now available for nursing moms in D111H. For additional information and to schedule use of the room, please contact the Welcome Desk located in the A-Wing, A113, or call 860-215-9016.
Pre-Semester Meeting
Thank you to all the faculty who attended the pre-semester meeting on August 26. It was an informative overview of college policy, grading, communication expectations and more.
Super Saturday A Success!
August 10 was a busy Saturday on campus as the A-wing bustled with new and current students getting everything in place for the fall semester.
The clock tower entrance was staffed with student workers who welcomed students in to apply and then ushered them around to the admissions office, financial aid, the registrar, the cashier, the book store and to advisors.
Admissions Gets a Fresh Look
The A-Wing has undergone some changes to streamline new students’ admission processes. Students are now able to access the admissions office and advising directly from the hallway.
William F. Muenzner Sr. Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Ed Muenzner recently established the William F. Muenzner Sr. Memorial Scholarship in honor of his father to support deserving students at Three Rivers Community College.
Muenzner Payroll Solutions is sponsoring a 1980’s themed fundraising event on Saturday, November 9, 2019 at the Holiday Inn in Norwich to benefit the William F. Muenzner Memorial Sr. Scholarship. This will be a night of dinner, dancing and raffles. 80’s attire is encouraged but not required.
Attendance to the 80’s Dinner Dance is by donation only. Donations can be made directly to the TRC Foundation by check, cash or credit card. Please RSVP your attendance plans to Nancy Muenzner.
This event is NOT sponsored by Three Rivers or the TRC Foundation
Foundation Approves $39,000 in Requests for Funds
The TRC Foundation approved $39,000 in Requests for Funds at the June 2019 board meeting. The following were approved:
Simulation Electronic Health Record: To support up to 100 nursing students with a year of health portal access. This will help nursing students develop knowledge and skills in using the Electronic Health Record more efficiently, help them gather data for clinical decision-making and help them communicate and collaborate with other members of the care team. Practice across the curriculum prepares the students to become proficient in the use of Electronic Health Records after graduation and during transition to practice.
Electrical Engineering Technology Lab: To support renovations and new lab equipment for the Electrical Engineering Technology Lab, B209. The lab space requires physical renovations in order to allow state-of-the art equipment to be purchased that will support the educational needs of the College’s Electrical Engineering Technology Program.
Academics: To furnish a new mathematics collaborative classroom with 30 desks and 30 chairs. Using modular furniture will encourage students to be active learners instead of passive. This will replace current lecture methods which do not have students “own” their mathematics knowledge.
Professional Development: To provide necessary funding to support the professional development needs of our faculty and staff at Three Rivers.
Save the Date:
9/2 – Labor Day, Campus Closed
9/3 – Welcome Week Kick Off
9/4 – Get the Scoop
9/5 – Mix & Mingle BBQ
9/11 – College Congress Meeting
9/16 – 22nd Annual Three Rivers College Foundation Golf Classic
9/19 – Dance-A-Thon
9/20 – Professional Development Day
9/25 – Fresh Check Day
Three Rivers in the News
- Three Rivers Community College president presents at American Council on Education Fellows
- Fall Career Training Courses Available At Three Rivers CC
- One-stop registration for fall semester at Super Saturday at Three Rivers Community College
- Three Rivers Community College to host Super Saturday for current and new students
- Karen Bartone’s paintings are featured in Three Rivers Gallery show
- Connecticut studying problem of college students going hungry at times
- Three Rivers holds ‘Super Saturday’ Aug. 10 for registration and more
- United Way initiative in Norwich aims to align curriculum with workforce needs, connect partners
- Three Rivers hosts spring nursing pinning ceremony
- Three Rivers Community College holds Nursing Pinning Ceremony
Students in the News
Alumni in the News
- Would you donate a kidney to a nonrelative? This Lisbon woman did.
- Decorated New London firefighter promoted to battalion chief
- Lawrence + Memorial employee recognized for helping toddler found on New London sidewalk at 4 a.m.
- New London’s community treasure chest
- Meet a Veteran: Norwich man served in Air Force, as sub museum curator
- Norwich native served in Army as parachute rigger