President’s Newsletter — December 2019
Dear Colleagues,
The month of December came upon us and as usual we experienced the adrenaline rush of finalizing the fall semester with final exams and projects, submitting grades, and preparing for the holidays and gifting those we love. In spite of this tumult of activity, Mother Nature blanketed the region with a winter snowfall and ice-covered trees glistened in the sunshine. All of this a reminder that the autumn season was over and that winter solstice would soon be approaching with its own unique beauty. The month of December saw a flurry of snowflakes that replicated the activities in and outside of the classroom. This month also celebrated 36 nurses who completed the nursing program.
As we reflect on the fall semester and engage in and enjoy winter activities, let’s celebrate the semester that we completed and enjoy the lull of semester break before we begin the pace of the spring semester.
I hope your holidays were merry and that the new year and a new decade brings health, happiness and prosperity to each of us!
Celebrate and enjoy!
Mary Ellen
36 Nurses Pinned!
On Friday, December 13, Three Rivers held its fifty-fourth Nursing Pinning Ceremony, and hundreds of friends and family gathered to watch their loved ones take the final step in becoming nurses. During the ceremony, 36 nursing students of the Class of Fall 2019 received their nursing pin, marking the completion of their nursing degree and serving as a symbol of their readiness to be compassionate professional caregivers.
Graduates and guests were able to hear from President Jukoski, Dean Rob Farinelli, former faculty and keynote speaker Krista Prendergast, along with class speaker Katelyn Chenail. The new nurses received the Three Rivers nursing pin designed by the first class to graduate from what was then Mohegan Community College in 1975.
William F. Muenzner Memorial Scholarship exceeds $25,000
The William F. Muenzner Memorial Scholarship has exceeded the initial pledge of $25,000! Thanks to the generosity of the Muenzner family, friends and community, the TRC Foundation will be awarding the inaugural scholarship this spring.
Thank you for joining us in giving a gift to the Annual Appeal. To date, we have received $22,899!
As a thank you – the following get to enjoy a “parking perk” for 2020.
- January – Terry Browder
- February – Sandra Dean
- March – Bill Dopirak
- April – Pamela Carroll
- May – Phil Mayer
- June – Barbara Billups
- July – Matt Burbine
- August – Meg Wichser
- September – June Decker
- October – Mike Carta
- November – Janet Hagen
- December – Terri DeBarros-Booth
The TRC Foundation is committed to helping foster our students’ love of learning. We are dedicated to providing pathways of success for our students through funding scholarship programs, professional development, and a myriad of other vital College initiatives.
Adventures in Lifelong Learning Celebrate a Successful Year
On December 4, Adventures in Lifelong Learning held a wrap-up reception. President Mary Pineault reflected on the productive year that included presentations from faculty as well as from outside presenters such as journalists, doctors, authors, and more. Over the year, the group held discussions on health, art, nature, music, and travel. During the wrap-up, Three Rivers President Mary Ellen Jukoski thanked the many volunteers that make the Adventures in Lifelong Learning run smoothly throughout the year.
Leaders in Holistic Case Management Advising Visit Three Rivers
On December 5, Gayle Barrett, Director of Enrollment Management at Manchester Community College, and Mike Buccilli, Director of Counseling and Student Success at Gateway Community College, joined faculty and staff at Three Rivers to present and discuss the Holistic Case Management Advising policy as part of Guided Pathways. The Holistic Student Support Redesign Team has been working over the past two years to draft this policy and was excited to share it and hear feedback.
Academic advising redesign is happening at community colleges across the country and is recognized as one of the most promising strategies for increasing student completion. The proposed HCMA policy is grounded in research and national best practices and represents a collaborative effort with contributions from members at each of the twelve community colleges. The proposed policy is also grounded in equity and designed to meet the needs of our diverse students with the goal of closing equity and attainment gaps.
Read the HCMA policy in full here.
FAFSA Workshops Helped Prospective Students
Three Rivers Financial Aid experts, Director Kenneth M. Briggs and Financial Aid Assistant Donna Ramos, led two FAFSA completion workshops on Monday, December 9. Attendees were given an overview of FASFA and then guided through filling out the forms on individual computers. This workshop was a part of the designated “FAFSA Month” in Connecticut.
Winterfest Celebration
Faculty, staff, and student workers enjoyed a delicious feast together to welcome the holiday season. They were all given an update by President Mary Ellen Jukoski as well as a lively duet from Kenny Briggs and Pauline Goyette. Many thanks to Student Services for funding the meal.
First EB Apprenticeship Graduation in 12 Years
On Thursday December 5, Electric Boat celebrated the graduation of 13 apprentices through their newly revived apprenticeship program. This was the first graduation in 12 years. The graduates were in the program for 3 years and the majority of the classroom work was completed via Three Rivers.
Apprenticeships have returned as an essential career training pathway. At the state-of-the-art Three Rivers Manufacturing Apprenticeship Center (MAC), many new apprenticeship programs are coming soon.
Save the Date:
1/9 – Last Day to withdraw from winter classes
1/11 – Super Saturday – One-Stop Registration
1/16 – Winter Classes end
1/16 – New Student Orientation
1/20 – Martin Luther King Day – college closed
1/21 – Registration deadline
1/22 – Spring Classes begin
1/22 – Legislative Update
1/22 – Environmental Issues Seminar: Water Resources in the Developing World
1/27 – PACT Info Sessions
1/29 – Environmental Issues Seminar: What We Can Learn from the Water Systems of Ancient Rome
1/31 – Professional Development Day
2/5 – Environmental Issues Seminar: Bird Conservation across Connecticut and Specifically in the Lyme Forest Block
2/12 – Using GPS to Reveal the Secret Lives of Mountain Lions
2/14 – Classes not in session, college open
2/17 – Classes not in session, college closed
2/19 – Approaches to Eating in the United States: Consequences of our Health and Environment
2/26 – The History of the Green Lawn Dilemma: Coastal Water Quality Challenges in Connecticut
2/28 – Last day to apply for spring (May ’20) graduation
2/28 – Last day to apply for summer (August ’20) graduation
In the Gallery

Barbara Hocker, “Waterfall Library,” 16 hardcover accordion books, pigment prints, konzo paper, moire satin, ribbon, variable dimensions, 2018.
Paper as Metaphor, a curated show by Matthew Best featuring works by Barbara Hocker and Karl Goulet, will be featured in The Gallery at Three Rivers from Thursday, January 16, 2020 through Wednesday, February 19, 2020. The opening reception will be held Friday, February 7 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm. Learn more here.
Three Rivers in the News
- First local plastics manufacturing training program to launch in January
- Free FAFSA Workshops
- Grant Program Designed To Ease College Transfer
- New funding to help students transfer from community colleges
- New nurses on the floor
- Three Rivers Community College celebrates 36 nursing student graduates
- Pinning Ceremony Celebrates Nursing Graduates
- CT community colleges to offer free tuition
- Best of 2019: A crisis in confidence in the Board of Regents
Faculty in the News
- Norwich Free Academy students ask, ‘What’s Next for Me?’
- The Day’s Best News Photos of 2019, picture #32
Students in the News