Three Rivers Community College is proud to present the “2020 Three Rivers Faculty and Staff Exhibition.” Featured is work from faculty and staff, college-wide, not limited to the Visual Fine Arts Program.
Matthew Best – Adjunct Faculty, Art

Matthew Best, “Wedding Cake Human Sacrifice/Like A Virgin “, oil on canvas/graphite on paper, 40″x40”

Matthew Best, “Wedding Cake Temple/Like A Virgin”, oil on canvas/acrylic ink on paper, 36″x36″
Jacob Cullers – Adjunct Faculty, Art

Jacob Cullers, “2/23/20”, Oil, Fleece, Linen, 16”x22”, 2020

Jacob Cullers, “8/11/17 “, Oil, Polyester, Vinyl, 36”x48”, 2017

Jacob Cullers, “8/12/17”, Oil, Linen, Vinyl, 36”x48”, 2017
Crystal Foss – Adjunct Faculty, Photography
Born and raised in the greater Seattle area, I am an artistic photographer, educator and curator. While working with a distinct focus on artists who come from a position of disadvantage; I aim to expand my skills as a complex and diverse visual communicator.
Working both nationally and internationally, my projects abroad have focused on human rights based migration from Syria to Europe as well as from Central and South America to the U.S. In personal projects I work from themes of legacy, memory, identity, feminism, psychology and social justice. I utilize interdisciplinary media to fit each project including Digital, Analog and Alternative Process Photography, as well as Videography, Painting, Illustration, Sculpture and Bookmaking.

Crystal Foss, “Malcolm”, Silver Gelatin Print, 16”x20”

Crystal Foss, “Where Do We Go From Here”, Oil Pastel, Graphite, Ink on Paper, 5.25”x5.5”
Crystal Foss, “Wayang Puppets at Yale”, Video, 13 Mins.
Judy Hardy – Administrative Assistant, President’s Office
My husband and I love to find and visit places that are out of the ordinary. Some of them are surprises like our hike in Goodwin CT State Forest where we hiked to The Governor’s Island (photo #1) and the Kinzua Sky Bridge in PA (photo #2) that we found on Pinterest and decided to take a camping trip this past summer. I have found some of the best photos I take are not planned at all but taken when we come upon the moment!

Judy Hardy, “The Governor’s Island”, Photo

Judy Hardy, “The Kinzua Skybridge”, Photo
Sandra Jeknavorian – Professor of Art
On meditative adventures in forests, meadows, and beaches, I slow down from the normal pace of life and my eyes fixate alternately on the macro and micro worlds of the landscape around me. I collect natural artifacts that call to me along these walks and they become the literal subjects of my most recent drawings. In a broader, more metaphorical scope, the subjects of these works are memory/mystery and life/death. My drawing process begins by observing and drawing the object in front of me, but later I put the object away and let my imagination take over. This series of drawings are done with pastels and/or charcoal on Legion Stonehenge drawing paper.

Sandra Jeknavorian, “Artifact”, charcoal and pastels on paper, 11″x14″

Sandra Jeknavorian, “The World Within”, charcoal and pastels on paper, 14″x11″

Sandra Jeknavorian, “Broken Toe”, charcoal and pastels on paper, 14″x11″
Jim Kelly – Purchasing Officer

Jim Kelly, “THE EVENING BEAUTY OF JESSICA’S GARDEN #1 “, – Digital Photograph: NIKON D-7200…NIKKOR 18-140 LENS

Jim Kelly, “THE EVENING BEAUTY OF JESSICA’S GARDEN #2 “, Digital Photograph: NIKON D-7200…NIKKOR 18-140 LENS

Jim Kelly, “Carriag@ the Old Sawmill”, Digital Photograph: NIKON D-7200…NIKKOR 18-140 LENS
Sean Langlais – Adjunct Faculty, Art

Sean Langlais, “Solar Kinetic Battery Fantasy no:1”, Digital – Rectangular and Aspect ratio= 7:5 (scalable)
William Edward O’Hare – Professor of Anthropology

William Edward O’Hare, “Neko”, digital sumi-e ink brush

William Edward O’Hare, “Junrei”, digital sumi-e ink brush

William Edward O’Hare, “Jizo”, digital sumi-e ink brush
Michael J. Peery – Adjunct Faculty, Art

Michael J. Peery, “Self Portrait 2020″, Oil on Birch Panel, 11″x14”, 2020

Michael J. Peery, “Saturday, session one”, Oil on Canvas Paper, 16″x20″
Ruben D. Perez Jr. ( Nebur Zerep ) – Information Technology Tech II

Ruben D. Perez Jr. ( Nebur Zerep ), “11 Cent Penny”, Pencil, 18″x24″

Ruben D. Perez Jr. ( Nebur Zerep ), “Cheers!”, Pencil, 18″x24″

Ruben D. Perez Jr. ( Nebur Zerep ), “I see a white spot!”, Charcoal, 18″x24″
Eileen Young – Adjunct Faculty, Ceramics

Eileen Young, “Mirror with Windows”, Ceramics, Paint, Paper, Wood, 25″x20″

Eileen Young, “Raku Box”, Ceramics, Raku, 8″x5″

Eileen Young, “Flower Container #10″, Ceramics, Raku, 10″x10”