Three Rivers Community College is proud to present the “Three Rivers Visual Fine Arts Graduate Exhibition,” featuring the work of 2020 graduating students. The artists graduated in May 2020 with a Visual Fine Arts, A.A. The degree provides a strong foundation in the visual arts and a broad background in general education. As a transfer-oriented course of study, it often leads to enrollment in an art school or other baccalaureate institution.
View the works of Hoda Awad ’20 below, or click to view Arianna Bradley ’20, David Fontaine ’20, or John Witherly II ’20.
Hoda Awad ’20
Some call it a mid-life crisis, I call it mid-life awareness. At some point in my life, I felt the need to reconsider what to do with the rest of my life. I wanted a career that lasts and is enjoyable. Going back to school to learn the fundamentals of painting and drawing gave me the courage to share my work with others. I am grateful for everyone who helped me build my self confidence; my daughter for telling me its better late than never, my professors’ knowledge and patience, and for my fellow classmates’ positive feedback and helpful discussion.
– Hoda Awad